Welcome Back to Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle, Doolally Tap!


Always warmly welcomed and loudly applauded at Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle, Doolally Tap will be tapping up a storm again this weekend!

Saturday, 29th September, 12 noon til 2.30 pm.

Here’s how!

Peter M Butler
Editor Jazz&Jazz

(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)

Jazz&Jazz is grateful to Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle for their reciprocal support.

Warm up for Winter with Tad Newton’s Sunday Lunchtime Jazz!


• Three miles from J15 on M1 • Free Rarking
• Real Ales • Great Hot Food • Bar Snacks

Top National and International Bazz bands!

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Presenting Plymouth Jazz Club’s October/November 2018 Programme

Founded 1984

Plymouth’s Premier Jazz Venue

Jazz&Jazz is delighted to support Plymouth Jazz Club.

*** *** ***

Sunday, October 7th • 7.00 for 7.30pm

Annika Skoogh’s Anita O’Day Project

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Frog & Henry and The Tuba Machine at Fest Jazz

“I ver
y much enjoy how candid your YouTube “
Featuring Ewan Bleach with
Frog & Henry at Fest Jazz 2018″ is
. It perfectly captures that moment at
Fest Jazz, which happened to be my favourite!” (Ryan, Frog & Henry)

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Follow Up to “It’s Time to Ring the Changes!”

“This online activity is good for us (and others) in many ways but it can take over, and we need to step back sometimes and ‘smell the roses’. Take care.” (Ian Maud).


This is the follow up to
Social Media or Jazz&Jazz? It’s Time to Ring the Changes!

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Malo Mazurié’s Annual Visit to Fest Jazz, Châteauneuf-du-Faou, in 2018

Malo Mazurié first starred at Fest Jazz in 2005 when just twelve years old.
Fans have welcomed him back each year – this year with his latest Quartet.

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Jazz&Jazz Presents Fest Jazz 2018 Stars “The Johnnie Glaz String Band”

The Johnnie Glaz String Band were formed in 2017 and hail from

Central Brittany.

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Brian Smith aka “Smiffy” is a Jazz Hero …

Come hook or crook he has kept jazz live and alive in Lemsford Village and before that at clubs in Welwyn Garden City year upon year.

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Big Daddy Wilson Sings The Blues at Fest Jazz

Big Daddy Wilson was born over 50 years ago in a small town called Edenton,
North Carolina. Quitting school at 16, he joined the US Army in Germany,
where fell in love with the Blues.

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Featuring “The Chromatics” at Fest Jazz 2018

Having featured Trevor Stent’s “Good Time Jazz Band” at Fest Jazz, what better next than to feature “The Chromatics”, also based in Brittany.

The Chromatics are…

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