Social Media or Jazz&Jazz? It’s Time to Ring the Changes!

“This online activity is good for us (and others) in many ways but it can take over, and we need to step back sometimes and ‘smell the roses’. Take care.”

I recieved this message from Ian Maud, a prominent jazz friend, just today (18th September). It couldn’t be more timely because right now I am in the throes of
re-addressing my entire approach to my jazz web presence.

I launched Jazz&Jazz in April, 2011, after a glorious trip to the French Quarter Festival in New Orleans in 2010. Early on I featured my Jazz Art on the site, and more recently have introduced my Jazz YouTubes. At the time of writing this I have published 1,286 features under the categories Jazz Bands, Jazz Fans, Jazz Features and Jazz Art & Film.

Later I took to Social Media to help promote Jazz&Jazz – Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.
Plus I launched my Jazz&Jazz YouTube Site. To date I have launched almost 1,000 Jazz&Jazz YouTubes with appoaching 500,000 views and 1,000 subscribers.

“Speak Your Mind”
Keeping up with all of this takes time! And dilutes my focus. Take Facebook for instance and in particular my Facebook Jazzers Group. I had hoped that featuring my Jazz&Jazz items on the group would lead fans back to the relevant posts here on Jazz&Jazz to make their comments in the Speak Your Mind sections below each item, where discussions on the entries could ensue.

Not so because Facebook appears to have it all sown up!
Or has it? Here’s my plan to challenge their dominance.

As of now I will post on Facebook just the heading of each new Jazz&Jazz post and no further information other than a link to it here on Jazz&Jazz. Then fans and followers will be able to use “Speak Your Mind” at the foot of each post on Jazz&Jazz to make their comments and exchange views. Far better than on Facebook where the welter of comments quickly get lost as they sink way down the pile.

The Test
To test the plan, after posting this Jazz&Jazz feature in full on my Facebook Jazzers Group I will
follow up with another Jazz&Jazz feature also posted on the Jazzers Group. This will contain just a simple link back to Jazz&Jazz, inviting fans to add their comments there – not on Facebook. If that works, it will set the pattern for future short Jazz&Jazz links shared on Facebook and on other social media sites inviting comments in “Speak Your Mind” here on Jazz&Jazz.

Convoluted? But I see no other way, so please, let’s give it a go!

Peter M Butler
Editor Jazz&Jazz

PS All these efforts for jazz are stretching my time and finances to breaking point and any contributions made via the Donate Button in the right hand column of each Jazz&Jazz
page would be hugely appreciated.

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  1. Paul Goddard says:

    I access JazzandJazz regularly,for which thanks, Peter, and on average listen to a few U-tubes daily.
    I am NOT a ‘facebook’ person, but have been recruited in two ‘groups’ relevant to Jazz, inc ‘Jazzers’.
    It would be a BIG, BIG, HELP if those plugging an event in their neck of the woods HIGHLIGHTED the LOCATION of the event in the HEADING, so that group users could simply skip accessing details of an event it is nigh impossible for them to get to. There can be few people with time on their hands to waste.

  2. Peter Butler says:

    Paul, I’m still working on this aspect of my plan:”So as of now I will post on Facebook just the heading of each Jazz&Jazz post with a simple link back to it here on Jazz&Jazz and no further information. Then fans and followers can use “Speak Your Mind” at the foot of each post on Jazz&Jazz to make their comments and even exchange views. Far better than on Facebook where the welter of comments quickly sink way down the pile. Plus it will add impact to Jazz&Jazz as a key influencer for jazz today rather than the voluminous Social Media.”

    Hardly a moment to spare these days!

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