The February edition of Just Jazz Traditional Jazz magazine arrived at
No 153 early this morning. I was stunned by the front cover!
It included five photos, three of them announcing the passing of three more jazz old timers: Fred Caplin (1935-2017), Hans Peter Pluim (1941-2017) and George Avakian (1919-2017). Sadly the edition included six obituaries in all.
The redeeming factor on the front cover is a photo of New Orleans’ all girl
“Shake ‘Em Up Jazz Band “.
Thank you Just Jazz, for your service to jazz, past, present and future. Because
Jazz Lives as the baton is passed on to our new generation of jazz musicians,
many of them featured in this website.
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
Shake em Up are at Fest Jazz 2018.. We have an exclusive all in trip organised.. call me on 01604858549 for details
“Death and taxes” as the DHL advert used to say “Are unavoidable”
All of us “Mouldy figs” have to encourage young musicians to want to play this music and then the enjoyment of listening to this music will still be around in another hundred years
I agree, Barry, but I’ll try my hardest to steer clear of death and sidestep the taxes!
See you there Tad. It’s a top rate festival folks. Friendly people despite Brexit!
Marla Dixon (trumpet) , from the Shake ’em up jazz band and the shotgun jazz bands from New Orleans, will be featured guest with my band, Scarlette’s Serenaders, at the Keswick jazz and blues festival this year, May, 2018. She will also play there with Scarlette’s New Orleans Parade band.
Looking forward to working with her again!
When I can boost income from my efforts to help promote jazz on this site and my Social Media sites I might be able to extend my visits and coverage to other festivals and venues, Mike. It ain’t happening yet except for the occasional contribution. In fact summing up I’m out of pocket. But then that’s jazz!
It grieves me to disappoint Barry Price in disclosing that amazing young musicians, Frog & Henry Trio, coming to the UK between 12 & 26 Feb. have had difficulty getting bookings with our traditional jazz clubs. I’ve been working closely with Ryan (aka FH Henry) since last August, and we have only been able to secure three jazz club bookings, Kendal, Carlisle and myself, plus one famous Liverpool music pub. To complete a full tour they have had the good fortune to engage and be playing at a number of Swing Dance venues. It seems that our jazz clubs have not wakened up to the fact that young musicians/bands are the future of our jazz and must be embraced. See Frog & Henry full UK tour at
Thanks for this, Norman. As you know I am in full agreement with you and do my utmost to feature young bands and musicians here on Jazz&Jazz. A whistle stop tour through the site will find them. I’ve yet to feature the groups we’ve recently discussed and they are now reaching top of my “to-do” list. Plus then there’s the feature on the resurgence of fans supporting the young musicians/bands at Swing Dance clubs. Perhaps especially my planned post about the example of Joan Chamorro and his St Andreu jazz youngsters.
Folks keep expecting posts about events – many them time sensitive – which are taking up the space.
I’m adding a more obvious, strategically place “Donate Button” every so often now in hopes that I can pull in much needed funds to help further my endeavours, especially now that Google are ending ad revenue (it was hard work anyway for minimum return). I might strive to search out willing hands to help. And anyway, don’t jazz ads cost in The Jazz Guide and Just Jazz Magazine – plus subscription charges.
See my post:
PS I reckon I’ll need to fork out on SANITY PRESCRIPTIONS soon!
I should have added that the lively and considerate young people who love our music, when it swings, and they do their very skillful dance to it, do not mind some of us traditional oldies attending at their venues to listen to the bands. So if Frog & Henry are at one of these venues, near some of the visitors to your site, maybe they should go along, they may just like it ! Watching these 25’s to 40’s do their stuff is also a joy in itself. Since my earlier posting to you, we have managed to secure a couple of tickets to see a band from Chicago, at a swing dance venue in Yorkshire in April. It is a one-off visit to the UK, and for anyone interested, they can see details, and listen to 6 tracks, of ‘Naomi and Her Handsome Devils’ by going to I’m only 82 by the way ! Norm888
Thanks for this, Norman. Excellent. I’ll explore further.
Last night I took in our very own Adrian Cox and his brilliant young musicians (Profoundly Blue) at Bedford Golf Club. Excellent! Hope to film them again at The Walnut Tree on Sunday,
I will be posting YouTubes. Spoke to Adrian about Fest Jazz as a future venue but they are touring widely now in Europe and for instance, South America.
I am 28 !!
And in denial, Tad!
Good ol’ Tad !! I must be dyslexic as well. I look forward to meeting up with him at Fest Jazz