… no, not by Elvis, but by “The Shake’Em Up Jazz Band”
from New Orleans

The Shake ‘Em Up Jazz Band: left to right Haruka Kikuchi (trombone), Marla Dixon (trumpet), Chloe Feoranzo (clarinet), Defne Incirlioglu (washboard), Molly Reeves (guitar), Julie Schexnayder (bass)
The “Shake ‘Em Up” Girls have caused a storm since their creation in 2016. Tuba Skinny’s Shaye Cohn assembled the girl band to perform for “Girls Rock New Orleans”. They had such a blast playing together that their very first performance caused a stir. Requests to play poured in and the girls agreed they just had to continue working together. Shaye couldn’t commit to continue playing with the band full-time but Haruka Kikuchi joined up, bringing along her exciting
Kid Ory-inspired trombone.
They’ve been playing together ever since and this year they will top the bill at Fest Jazz 2018.
Calling All UK Jazz Fans
Fest Jazz 2018 presents a unique opportunity for you to make the short trip across the Channel to see and meet them so soon after their rise to fame.
Better yet, why not enquire whether Tad Newton has any vacancies left on his coach trip
for Fest Jazz.
Watch out for regular Fest Jazz 2018 announcements along with booking details on Jazz&Jazz in the coming weeks.
Pops Coffee also features Fest Jazz 2018 and The Shake ‘Em Up Jazz Band on his Blog Spot:
“Enjoying Traditional Jazz”
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
Thanks for this feature, Peter. We are really pleased to have succeeded in getting thesuperb Shake’Em Up Band to Fest Jazz 2018…it’s quite a scoop for us! They play with such lightness of touch yet swing like the clappers and they manage to combine superb technique with great feeling in their solos and ensemble playing. We do hope many UK jazz fans will hop across the Channel to see them.
An amazing coup for Fest Jazz getting ‘Shake ’em Up’ to cross the ‘pond’ !!!! Really glad we have our gite booked again this year. And to have Ryan back again with his ‘Frog & Henry’ band, that’s icing on the cake. I can foresee some sparkling jam sessions happening when the superb musicians from these two bands get together. Also, I see from the Fest Jazz website, Trevor has an earlier booking in place for the fantastic Rosenberg Trio. Already I can see this year’s Festival will surpass even the great success of the record 2017 event. More power to the elbows of a very energetic young organising team.
I was already (greatly) looking forward to being at FestJazz for the first time later this year. Having ‘Shake ’em up’ there makes me long for it even more – they are terrific.
That’s great! Ginny and I will see you there, Paul!
Let’s form a ‘Shake ’em Up’ admiration society !! Chloe is a little marvel – playing and singing.