La Municipalité Welcomes Fest Jazz Fans to Châteauneuf-du-Faou


Speaking from the steps of the Town Hall, Châteauneuf-du-Faou, Maire Jean-Pierre Roland officially opened Fest Jazz 2016 by welcoming everyone in French and Spanish, followed by Festival Présidente, Angelina Beauvir, speaking in the Breton language (widely spoken in the region) and by Festival Organiser Trevor Stent. Not easy filming ducking and diving amongst the mass of enthusiastic fans, including rally members of MGs and other Classic cars from the UK and France who participate in the festival each year.

YouTubes follow below.


Joan Chamorro and The Saint Andreu Jazz Band were especially welcome back to Fest Jazz in their 10th Anniversary Year.

Joan Chamorro and The Sant Andreu Jazz Band

“Fest Jazz organisers were especially pleased to welcome back Joan Chamorro and The Sant Andreu Jazz Band – probably the most famous young jazz band in the world. Led by its inspirational director, Joan Chamorro, this municipal school of music from Barcelona has an international impact on the jazz world.

“From its ranks of young musicians aged from 8 to 20, real stars have emerged. Angelina Beauvir, President of Fest Jazz, writing in the Festival Programme, says “We are delighted and proud that this extraordinary talented group of musicians have chosen to come back to Fest Jazz to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of their Music School.” (Fest Jazz 2016 Programme)

During the festival Joan gave a Masterclass Conference about the methods he uses to teach young people music with an emphasis on jazz. This will be covered in with a selection of YouTubes very soon.

Thank you La Municipality du Cháteauneuf du Faou for supporting for Fest Jazz.

Vivre à Châteauneuf – La municipalité

Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz

(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)

Psychedelic Lighting at Fest Jazz 2016


If Pop Festivals can use psychedelic lighting, why not Jazz Festivals? Why not stage lighting with intense, vivid colours in swirling abstract patterns? That was the thinking of Trevor Stent’s young festival team for Fest Jazz 2016. And it worked! Even if it did play havoc with my Sony/iPhone lens camera for hi def filming. But with the right settings and a few iMovie tweaks I believed the resultant YouTubes could be almost as spectacular as the live events. Even though filming from the very back of the fan-packed marquee.


French Rag recreate the swing and dance music of the pre-war years.

Ginny and I were put to the test on the very first evening in “Stêr Aon” i.e.Scene 1 – The Grand Marquee where we filmed The French Rag and Mr Boogie Woogie, and here are the YouTubes. Yet more evidence of youth appeal at a wonderfully successful festival.

Forthcoming Instalments
This is Part 2 of a series of posts featuring Jazz&Jazz YouTubes taken at Fest Jazz 2016. Further instalments are currently under production. 

Part 1: Fest Jazz 2016 – A Blue Print For Jazz Festivals

Be sure to revisit Jazz&Jazz soon for each  successive instalment.

Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz

(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)

Fest Jazz 2016 – A Blue Print For Jazz Festivals


I’m impelled to start this feature with two very pertinent comments on the
preceding Jazz&Jazz feature:

Why Overseas Bands Aren’t Touring the UK – “Penny pinching attitude is not going to rejuvenate the beleaguered situation” (Just Jazz)

“Having visited Fest Jazz this year for the first time, I was blown away by the standard of the young bands at the festival. (Thanks to the heads up and info from this site) French Rag and Dizzy birds were just brilliant. Louis Prima Forever got every one jumping, what a show. But for me, if someone could get Sant Andreu Jazz Band on Main line TV in this country then surely that would jump start interest from our youngsters. What a great teacher Joan Chamorro is. So approachable, his English is not the best but he was willing to chat to me and my wife and friends, nice bloke. I paid to see them in Barcelona last year, at a packed Palais de Musica so I know people will pay to see them. Also there is the human interest element, how do those young kids play that well?

“In my opinion, we need to somehow build interest from a younger audience. If we had that, bands would want to come here. We’ve got the NYJO (National Youth Jazz Orchestra), but contrast that with the relaxed fun approach of Sant Andreu. Surely the way to go.”

Adrian Watkins, Canterbury
Member of my Facebook Jazzers Group

And this from jazz promoter and Jazz&Jazz supporter, Norman Gibson, included in Fred Burnett’s 13th August Jazz North West News Update:

“A young and vivacious Angelina Beauvir became the new Fest Jazz Festival President last year and this change has taken Trevor Stent’s organising team to a higher level. We, and the team themselves, believe this year’s event was the best yet. The 3000 attendance target was exceeded on this amazing weekend. More so this year was the emphasis on young musicians playing good swinging jazz for young and old alike. Of course the Sant Andreu Jazz Band from Barcelona, on their return visit, were a star draw, but Dorine de Wit Band and the Ben Holder Quartet made a big impact. Taimane Gardner (Hawaii), on her European tour, dropped in for a one hour show, to great applause. Surprising us all by what can be played at such high speed on a simple Ukulele ! She’s pretty as well, check her out on Youtube! ‘The French Rag’, ‘Dizzy Birds’ (Berlin), ‘Louis Prima Forever’ (France, kept the young Swing dancers more than busy. Our gite was next to one with 6 dancers and you can see them by Googling – I Charleston Brest.”

Norman Gibson
Jazz Promoter ‘JAZZ4FUNDZ’


This year my role for Trevor Stent and the Fest Jazz Team was, with my wife, Ginny’s careful coordination, to film as many of the festival bands as possible, swinging from venue to venue over the entire weekend.

The quandary has been how to present so many YouTubes (some quite lengthy) – en mass with this feature, or in a series of features linking back to this post. I’ve opted for the latter, else it could be too long before anything appears. Please note that the YouTubes are not studio recorded or edited for sight and sound. They were filmed live, from whatever angle or position was possible with my magic Sony Lens Camera amongst the thronging fans. I even include some of what I term my “Take Two” YouTubes.

I believe the results are evidence of a brilliantly successful and wonderfully organised festival. The way to go for other festivals? I’ll leave you to judge and comment below.

Thank you Angelina, Manon, Trevor and team for such a wonderful opportunity. And OK, yes, I agree with Adrian and Norman, this is the way to go for the future of jazz,

Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz

First up for YouTubes, Dorine de Wit and Her Band. Two reasons – that they opened Fest Jazz in The Food Village on Friday evening so we were able to stay for the entire gig and, more importantly for me, because it had been so long since Dorine and I had last met.

Next up on Friday evening The French Rag and Mr Boogie Woogie!

(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)

Why Overseas Bands Aren’t Touring the UK – “Penny pinching attitude is not going to rejuvenate the beleaguered situation” (Just Jazz)


Hot off the press in Just Jazz magazine’s August editorial came this statement:

“As a follow up to our Editorial in July we would like to publish a notification from a band that was due to play in the UK this month:

“Unfortunately, two days ago, it turned out that the festival was not able to pay us properly and of all the gigs we were depending on we needed at least one well paid gig. That’s why we decided not to come to the UK in August. Playing underpaid gigs here and there is fine and certainly necessary to establish the band in new countries, but not a whole tour, where also no one provides proper accommodation … It’s too risky and we might even end up being out of pocket. I’m sorry – we really wanted to come too … I hope that we’ll have the opportunity to come to the UK in the future.”

“How much longer do we on the jazz scene have to continue bemoaning the fact that if you want something you are not going to get it for nothing? The penny pinching attitude is not going to rejuvenate the beleaguered situation. For new faces, new audiences and new bands, especially the younger bands, we have to put our hands in our pockets. The notification from this particular group just about sums up the response that bands get from a lot of jazz promoters in this country.

Just Jazz is very disappointed to hear that a touring band has had to cry off – maybe a few more folk will now understand why Tuba Skinny didn’t accept an offer to tour the UK in 2015.”

Jazz&Jazz Involvement
The band in question approached me via Jazz&Jazz / Jazzers regarding their intended UK tour asking if I could possibly help arrange gigs for them. And I did – two, plus offers of accommodation. But sadly due to their let down with the festival my efforts and the genuine offers received were to no avail. I met the band at Fest Jazz just a week ago and the band leader thanked me for my efforts. We will definitely stay in touch.

Tuba Skinny at Fest Jazz, Brittany in 2014. Why not yet in the UK?

Tuba Skinny at Fest Jazz, Brittany in 2014. Why not yet in the UK?

Two years ago I met Erica Lewis and Robin Rapuzzi – also at Fest Jazz – along with two UK promoters – to discuss a potential Tuba Skinny UK tour. (I feature several of my YouTubes of their Fest Jazz performances on this site). Again “negotiations” drew a blank, for the very reasons stated in the Just Jazz editorial. I myself do not organise jazz events or book bands but, along with Pete Lay, I did strive to make further approaches to Tuba Skinny, but I fear the damage was done, the die was cast!

As the Just Jazz editorial states: “We have to put our hands in our pockets. The notification from this particular group just about sums up the response that bands get from a lot of jazz promoters in this country.”

Facing an Increasing Workload
Come to that, its time for me to be very frank. I launched Jazz&Jazz back in 2010 with the aim of doing what little I could to give something back by helping promote jazz and give it a boost. Since then this site along with my associated Facebook Jazzers Group and YouTubes has burgeoned with more friends and followers joining by the day. But now such is the increasing work load due to requests for promotions and coverage of events from all quarters that I’m finding it costly and difficult time wise and to keep up with it all.

Here are a few pointers to my achievements to date:

Jazz&Jazz Website Stats just for July this year:


That’s Unique Visitors: 5,514; Number of Visits: 10,728; Pages Visited: 25,580; Hits: 156,609

Peter Mark Butler Personal Page: To date 1,130 friends
Jazzers Group: To date 1,009 friends
YouTubes: To date 476 YouTubes; 262 Subscribers; 180,400 Views
Twitter: 1,286 Tweets; 258 Followers
LinkedIn: 310 Published Jazz Articles; 155 Followers
(Due to time constraints I place less emphasis on Twitter and Linkedin)

I also run Facebook Pages for Lemsford Jazz Club and Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle / Peter Mark Butler RSS Shuffle, both of which I have been heavily associated and involved with over the past six years.

Quite frankly, at this pace I will very soon have to consider curtailing or rationing my efforts unless I can obtain financial support to cover costs and enlist some form of help to avoid burn out.


Martin Bennett with John Finch

Moral and Financial Support on Behalf of Jazz
I am currently discussing this situation with several jazz friends who are giving me much needed moral support and encouragement – in fact just this weekend Martin Bennett urged me to mention that he had offered financial support on a regular basis but that I wasn’t prepared to accept it until others too came on board. I also want to thank those who have already helped with the occasional donation.

Please donate as much as you can via the PayPal button to the right of this post or contact me on [email protected] if you would prefer to donate by other means. Such is the magnitude of the task to support jazz that others including Martin have also suggested exploring other ways to raise funds in support of Jazz&Jazz which are entirely transparent and honest.

Who knows, it might even become possible to raise sufficient funds to help sponsor events and even visiting bands.

Fest Jazz YouTubes
I am currently producing a quantity of YouTubes from movies taken at Fest Jazz the last weekend in July. It’s a fantastic festival as I understand are others in European countries. The YouTubes will be posted on Jazz&Jazz and the related sites as soon as possible and I expect that to boost my ratings considerably.

Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
