If Pop Festivals can use psychedelic lighting, why not Jazz Festivals? Why not stage lighting with intense, vivid colours in swirling abstract patterns? That was the thinking of Trevor Stent’s young festival team for Fest Jazz 2016. And it worked! Even if it did play havoc with my Sony/iPhone lens camera for hi def filming. But with the right settings and a few iMovie tweaks I believed the resultant YouTubes could be almost as spectacular as the live events. Even though filming from the very back of the fan-packed marquee.
Ginny and I were put to the test on the very first evening in “Stêr Aon” i.e.Scene 1 – The Grand Marquee where we filmed The French Rag and Mr Boogie Woogie, and here are the YouTubes. Yet more evidence of youth appeal at a wonderfully successful festival.
Forthcoming Instalments
This is Part 2 of a series of posts featuring Jazz&Jazz YouTubes taken at Fest Jazz 2016. Further instalments are currently under production.
Part 1: Fest Jazz 2016 – A Blue Print For Jazz Festivals
Be sure to revisit Jazz&Jazz soon for each successive instalment.
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
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