Speaking from the steps of the Town Hall, Châteauneuf-du-Faou, Maire Jean-Pierre Roland officially opened Fest Jazz 2016 by welcoming everyone in French and Spanish, followed by Festival Présidente, Angelina Beauvir, speaking in the Breton language (widely spoken in the region) and by Festival Organiser Trevor Stent. Not easy filming ducking and diving amongst the mass of enthusiastic fans, including rally members of MGs and other Classic cars from the UK and France who participate in the festival each year.
YouTubes follow below.

Joan Chamorro and The Saint Andreu Jazz Band were especially welcome back to Fest Jazz in their 10th Anniversary Year.
Joan Chamorro and The Sant Andreu Jazz Band
“Fest Jazz organisers were especially pleased to welcome back Joan Chamorro and The Sant Andreu Jazz Band – probably the most famous young jazz band in the world. Led by its inspirational director, Joan Chamorro, this municipal school of music from Barcelona has an international impact on the jazz world.
“From its ranks of young musicians aged from 8 to 20, real stars have emerged. Angelina Beauvir, President of Fest Jazz, writing in the Festival Programme, says “We are delighted and proud that this extraordinary talented group of musicians have chosen to come back to Fest Jazz to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of their Music School.” (Fest Jazz 2016 Programme)
During the festival Joan gave a Masterclass Conference about the methods he uses to teach young people music with an emphasis on jazz. This will be covered in with a selection of YouTubes very soon.
Thank you La Municipality du Cháteauneuf du Faou for supporting for Fest Jazz.
Vivre à Châteauneuf – La municipalité
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
Although the speeches in the video will mean little to most of the readers of Jazz & Jazz, Peter, I am pleased that you have featured the support we get from our village. All festival organisers moan about money, and we are no exception. However, our village has only 3 600 inhabitants, is situated in one of the poorest areas of Brittany and yet gives us a lot of help.. They give us a grant of 6 000€ per year, they provide all the fencing and electrical generators, supply the skilled work force for two weeks to prepare the festival site and lend us a lorry from the commune for a week.. We really can’t complain (even tho’ we do!)
We would be really, really interested to know how this compares with help from councils in the UK. More? Less? How does it compare with Bude/Swanage/Bute/Keswick/Upton etc etc??
Perhaps more importantly than this practical help, they want the festival to succeed. The Deputy Mayor (resplendent in his Breton costume in the video) and Angelina, our President, speaking in Breton, talk of how they are very proud of the Breton culture but are thrilled to welcome other cultures for Fest Jazz:… the music of New Orleans , the visitors from all over Europe and, above all the young people from other countries who visit the festival. (Brexit anyone?)
The down side is that there is no industry or large businesses here…only cows and sheep , and they make poor sponsors. That is our Achilles heel…..
Despite that “down side” Fest Jazz has it all, Trevor, including the incredible backing from Châteauneuf-du-Faou. Yours is an amazing festival and all the more impressive that the local community accepts and supports a UK jazz musician and band leader in their midst – but then again you are a Brit in Brittany! We have much to learn from Fest Jazz. I launched Jazz&Jazz on a small scale back in 2010 around the time Ginny and I visited New Orleans. Now I’m tempted to say its one of the most influential participatory jazz websites available – along with its Social Media adjuncts such as my Facebook Jazzers Group. I just hope we take this on board. Jazz musicians, band leaders, festival organisers and Jazz&Jazz followers, we would welcome your comments.
I’m sorry Trevor’s letter has come later after new postings have come on. This means so many of the visitors to your site will probably have missed Trevor’s moving letter. May I suggest you bring it ‘up to the surface’ somehow? You know and I know, the answer to Trevor’s question ‘How does this – i.e. Chateuneuf du Faou’s input – compare in the UK etc), is a total embarrassment! The answer is virtually ‘sod all’. I am currently looking into the AberJazz Festival at Fishguard (this weekend actually!) and there looks promise there. Yet it does not come across as a high profile festival, such as Bude, Keswick etc which Trevor mentions! I leave it to you Peter to do it your way in your inimitable style! Regards Norm888
Norman, I’m still producing and uploading YouTubes from the videos Ginny and I took at Fest Jazz. We covered so much – almost every band but the schedules meant we had to dash from venue to venue. Once features on each of these are uploaded I plan some kind of summary analysis. Inimitable, perhaps, but I’ll seek your input once it is posted. Cheers, Peter
Norman, I’ve just posted on Trevor’s Facebook page:
“Trevor – I’ve a number more YouTubes to come, including Joan and Andrea’s and the Sant Andreu finalé. AND “Good Time Jazz” which I’m saving for a Special about yourself and Fest Jazz in which I will include resumé links to each of the Fest Jazz posts. Both Norman and I believe Fest Jazz is a model to be followed by some other festivals before perhaps they fade and disappear. I sense some envy out there.”
Quite frankly I wish you, Norman, were on Facebook where you could keep up with all my endeavours for Jazz. I also use Linkedin and Twitter – plus there is my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbyqlX9cd5D7h2FpXsdS7BQ?guided_help_flow=1
Sorry Peter, I do not intend to become a Facebook guy – even my computer fixing man wants nothing to do with it ! I only have a mobile ‘phone because I had the heart attack last year. Only family have the number The younger generation seem to feel it is necessary to have 100% communication at all times, I don’t. My e-mail is bad enough with some of the unwanted crap that finds it’s way on there. I will to continue to just ‘talk’ with those I wish to my own way. Jeez ! I hope this doesn’t start another discussion !!!
No Norman – I won’t make more of it in another discussion because I fully understand. In fact I wish it were possible for me to continue my “campaign for jazz” without the need for Social Media links – except for my YouTubes that is. By now you should have received the email Trevor has sent to us both. I’ll catch up with that later. Keep waving the flag. If our neighbour problems continue I may be tempted to launch a festival offensive in the back garden – at full blast. I jest of course – got to keep smiling. Oh well, back to the latest feature which will appear here on Jazz&Jazz within minutes.