After 45 years of Jazz and Blues photography, in 2016 Brian O’Connor published his highly acclaimed book “Images of Jazz” with a wide selection of the photos he had taken throughout those years. I was privileged to feature the launch of the book here on
Jazz&Jazz in November, 2016.

Brian has recently expressed his views on and aversion to Facebook and Social Media in general and his delight with my early Jazz&Jazz feature , “Images of Jazz”.
I share his opinions and am forever urging fans to post their views about items on this website in “Speak Your Mind” rather than on Social Media.
Below is a selection of the positive responses Brian’s “Images of Jazz” received in
“Speak Your Mind” after it was first featured here on Jazz&Jazz in 2016.
“What a fantastic collection of photographs taken over many years. This book is a must for all jazz lovers.” John Bishop
“As a fellow photographer who does dabble in the world of Jazz I can say from experience just how difficult this subject matter is to photograph. The lighting conditions are usually a nightmare, the ability to get in the right spot very trying and capturing that moment where the musician is just right can be mind blowing. Brian appears to not only be a genius at achieving the right location and capturing that moment in time but so creative and technically brilliant too. Many Jazz photographers create such stereotypical images that it is virtually impossible to tell one from another. Brian has a style of his own and never fails to achieve that image to which is a moment of magic
frozen in time.” Antony Andrews
“At last! A wonderful collection of Brian’s beautiful photos – the man whose camera lens is the eye we all wish we had! Highly recommended!” N Richardson
“Excellent! At long last all Brian’s enormous work over the years in one easy to read place.”
Chris Hodgkins
“Fantastic and unique book, beautifully produced and documenting half a century of jazz in the UK. Would make the perfect gift for any jazz fan.” Annette Keen
“In my opinion, it should be every jazz fan’s obligation nay responsibility to purchase a copy of Brian’s ‘Images of Jazz ‘. Covering, as it does, the past 45 years of jazz in Britain, it illustrates in glorious detail, all the musicians that have filled our lives with their wonderful music. It is a tribute both to them and the music we all love.
“Of particular importance is that Brian has made his whole collection available to the National Jazz Archive which will enable the Archive to share his work and passion with future generations of jazz musicians and fans.
Order your copy now directly from Brian [email protected] for yourself and make sure that you spread the word through all your jazz contacts. You and they will be overjoyed so, do it now!” Mike Rose, National Jazz Archive
“Excellent. I’m expecting to get a signed copy at the Watermill next time our visits coincide Brian!” Mike O’Sullivan
“This is a beautifully put together jazz photography collection, featuring many top UK musicians as well as international stars. I was most impressed with the layout and quality of this excellent book a must for all jazz lovers.” Shane Hill
“Brilliant book. How he made the choice of what pictures to use, goodness knows. Love the photos, layout and the quality of the book.” Elizabeth O’Connor
“I have known Brian personally for a number of years now & have to say that his dedication to Jazz & photographing the great musicians is second to none. He achieves a very high standard & makes for a very interesting book. Here’s to getting the next five years (up to fifty) & many more to add to your book.” Ian Fife
“Brian has managed to capture jazz in the most intimate manner, his syle just wouldn’t possible without the acceptance of the musicians themselves. This is a stunning achievement and shouldn’t be missed.” Alan Fife
“What a fantastic book – the exquisite photographs reflect Brian’s many years of jazz photography. The National Jazz Archive is delighted to be associated with this splendid work.” David Nathan
“This superbly presented book represents Brian’s labour of love over almost half a century, capturing the world’s great jazz artists playing in the UK. It is one of those evocative books that you can dip in and out of forever.” Kay Shingleton
” Just loved them. Could almost see the smokey haze and the warm beers that are the essence of a jazz club. Thank you Brian for the memories.” Delysia Farthing
“Just keep on snappin’ Brian! I have had the privilege of seeing your work at two of your exhibitions, and both times I have been struck by the atmosphere that you create – it is almost possible to hear the music being played when viewing the photographs. As has been said, the hardest part must have been deciding which ones to leave out – scope for a second volume I’m sure!” Peter Harris
“Many thanks Brian for sharing your photographs in this excellent book. Very pleased to own a copy to display on our coffee table. Well done!” Sandra and Andrew Lacey
“Brian ends his wonderful book with his magnificent photo of Charlie Pyne
on bass and his words: ‘The future is in safe hands, but unfortunately and certainly in the UK, very few people are aware of this fact'”. Coincidentally I was privileged to film Charlie’s “All About That Bass” for one of my Jazz&Jazz YouTubes: Peter Butler
An Appeal to my Jazz&Jazz Followers
So, fellow Jazzers, rather than share your views in the Social Media swamp, for maximum impact share them on “Speak Your Mind” at the foot of this and every other post featured on Jazz&Jazz. Begin now, with this post – Brian O’Connor’s “Images of Jazz”.
Please Read
Recently I’ve been asking “Why Jazz&Jazz”? Why spend hours producing Jazz&Jazz when there are so many other websites featuring Jazz?
Peter M Butler
Editor Jazz&Jazz
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