I have friends and relatives in Australia and am in touch with numerous jazz bands, musicians and fans down under.
My longstanding friend, Roger, is in regular contact with me.
Roger emigrated to Australia back in the 1960s. We used to spend evenings in various East Kent clubs and dance halls, especially to follow touring jazz bands. Jazz was top billing back then.
These days Roger follows jazz&jazz.com and my Facebook Jazzers Group. He keeps me posted on the jazz scene down under and refers me to Aussie reactions to the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. His views on coronavirus are particularly pertinent. So much so that he has taken the time to refer me to the following YouTubes.
“A coalition of 62 countries has backed a joint Australian and European Union push for an independent inquiry into the coronavirus outbreak ahead of a crucial World Health Assembly (WHA) meeting on Monday in Geneva.”
Key points:
- European nations and Australia have been rallying support for a draft EU motion;
- The motion does not specifically mention China or the city of Wuhan;
- At this stage neither China nor the US have backed the motion;
- A Coalition of 62 countries backs the joint Australian, EU push for an independent inquiry into coronavirus outbreak: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-05-17/coronavirus-inquiry-world-health-assembly-china-covid-19/12256910
Pertinent: “Down Under NewsTubes“
On the lighter side, link back to my teenage years including
Jazz in The Kings Hall.
Especially if have time on your hands due to Coronavirus.
Rider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSCk0351Pic&feature=youtu.be
Peter M Butler
Editor Jazz&Jazz
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