A Jazz&Jazz Fundraiser
In support of jazz, jazz bands and jazz musicians.
On the 18th November I posted a Facebook Fundraiser to help finance my Campaign for Jazz and boost support for Jazz Musicians, Bands and Clubs.
With membership of my Facebook Jazzers Group increasing apace its ever more difficult for me as Admin to keep up with and comment on the plethora of posts and submissions from around the world. Especially as my main aim is to press on with this, my own Jazz&Jazz Website, and with my Jazz&Jazz YouTube Site in publicising jazz, jazz bands, clubs musicians. Only the elite make a mint. Many work on a shoestring for love of the music.
I set a modest target of just £200 for the Facebook fundraiser to assess how well it would be received. To date (27th November) I have received just seven donations totalling £123.00, but four have been from close friends, relatives and associates.
So this is to urge my followers here on Jazz&Jazz to contribute to my
Facebook Fundraiser
“In support of jazz and jazz musicians, young & old, male and female.”
After all, Facebook keep reminding me to remind my followers about my Fundraiser.
Not a member of Facebook?
Then better yet you can contribute using the Donate Button in the right hand column of each page here on Jazz&Jazz.
Jazz&Jazz Key Objectives Are To:
1. Raise the profile of and develop a sounding board for jazz by inviting bands, musicians and fans to share news and views about the jazz scene.
2. Capture, share and promote the resurgent popularity of jazz by featuring bands, musicians, clubs and festivals. As well as past and modern day greats, we focus on the exuberance of younger, emerging stars and bands.
3. Galvanise jazz fans everywhere to join forces in the jazz revival by helping to win over a younger generation of fans to swing along with happy jazz.
Capture the Potential with just £1 per donation!
If each of the combined number of followers on this, my Jazz&Jazz site,
and on my Facebook jazz sites plus my Twitter and Linkedin pages and my Jazz&Jazz YouTubes, made bare minimum donations, the Jazz&Jazz “Fighting Fund for Jazz” could develop huge potential. At just £1 from each contributor in short time it could easily head for an impressive addition to my fighting fund for jazz!
So how about it fellow Jazzers?
In thankful anticipation of your support and commitment to Jazz!
Peter M Butler
Editor Jazz&Jazz
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