A close friend who emigrated to Australia back in the 1960s spent a couple of days with us during his recent visit back to Blighty. He took a keen interest in my Jazz&Jazz website, my YouTube site and my Social Media links and sent me his thoughts.
He was amazed at the content of Jazz&Jazz, especially as I receive minimal assistance producing it and cover most costs from my own pocket. He insisted that occasional donations simply don’t do Jazz&Jazz justice let alone cover costs. The bottom line is that he was stunned at the
overall lack of support.
So he referred me to this apt quotation taken from, of all publications,
“The Conservative Woman” Website
“If you appreciated this article, perhaps you might consider making a donation to The Conservative Woman. Our contributors and editors are unpaid but there are inevitable costs associated with running a website. We receive no independent funding and depend on our readers to help us,
either with regular or one-off payments. Thank you.”
Roger’s Conclusion?
“If Conservative Woman can appeal for financial support SO SHOULD YOU… for a much more comforting cause!”
He urged me to insist on donations for requested promotional features and reports on Jazz&Jazz and my Social Media links to help finance my overall campaign for jazz. Roger concluded, “If they don’t cough up you might even find time to get back to painting and producing Giclée Prints!”
New Jazz&Jazz Policy
As of now, when new requests are made for promos and features on this site, they will be referred to this new Jazz&Jazz Policy.
But meantime, if you are a regular visitor to Jazz&Jazz and would like to support the cause, you can contribute via the Donate Button in the column to the right!
NB: There are a limited number of requested promos that are already covered by contributions.
Peter M Butler
Editor Jazz&Jazz
*View one of my earliest Jazz Portraits
“Emile Martyn on Drums”
Emile too is an artist – when he can find time between gigs!
I also aim to make more time for creating and displaying my
Jazz&Jazz YouTubes
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