Final Count Down for Fest Jazz 2019

Over the years Fest Jazz at Châteauneuf-du-Faou
has made its mark by featuring brilliant young bands
and musicians at the forefront of the current
resurgence in the popularity of jazz.

The festival programme and events are organised and administered by a team of talented young enthusiasts, advised and encouraged by Festival Director, Trevor Stent.

So over to Trevor and his Fest Jazz publicists! 

The Fest Jazz Team

Angelina Beauvir, Vice-Présidente
Melanie Jouet, Camille Croissant and Cassandre Jouet

“There are around 30 groups this year and 20 of them are playing New Orleans/Traditional/ Jazz Manouche/Boogie Woogie styles. The rest are playing more mainstream, modern styles mixed with some Blues and there is one (very good) electro swing band. It’s not a pop festival!! I remember discussing last year’s Teaser (which was similar) with Marla Dixon when she was here. “I’m personally not keen on the music” she told me,”but the team are absolutely right to have used it”.
Trevor Stent

Why? Because Jazz is moving on – keeping up with the times and a new, enthusiastic younger generation of Jazz Fans! And yet still retaining its roots.

Enjoy it all this July at Fest Jazz!

Peter M Butler
Editor Jazz&Jazz

(YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)

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  1. Bonjour Peter,
    Thank you for the article, we really appreciate it! I just wanted to say that we are really looking forward to welcoming all our British friends again this year (despite the sadness from the Brexit). The music will be good for the soul!
    Can’t wait to see you there!
    -Cassandre from Fest Jazz

  2. Peter Butler says:

    Thank you for your thoughts, Cassandre!

  3. We shall be there!

  4. Paul Goddard says:

    Hi Peter
    Thinking ahead to Fest Jazz 2020, I note that the Shake ’em Up Jazz Band, that were such a big hit in 2018, will be in Europe at around that time.

    In fact, they will be in the United Kingdom – presuming it still exists by then – as they are scheduled to appear at the Edinburgh Jazz Festival, which co-incides with Fest Jazz, so would have to move fast to appear at both.

    I also note that the Scottish government prominently sponsor that festival – what does ours do for Jazz?

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