Hunkered down in my den this cold, stormy March day,
what better way to salve the mind
than thoughts of April!

We’ll sigh goodbye to all we ever had
Alone where we have walked together
I’ll remember April and be glad
Your lips were warm, and love and spring were new
I’m not afraid of autumn and her sorrow
For I’ll remember April and you
For flames live such a little while
I won’t forget, but I won’t be lonely
I’ll remember April and smile
Vasilis Xenopoulus moved to the UK from Athens in 2002 when he has established himself as one of London’s leading saxophonists. Here he stars with Tad Newton’s Jazzfriends at “Jazz at The Bedford” back in April, 2015.
Peter M Butler
Editor Jazz&Jazz
(YouTube © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
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