Fest Jazz Is Saved and
Is In The Pink!
Jazz&Jazz has received this Communiqué De Presse for immediate release:
“Fest Jazz is saved! The crowdfunding appeal has been successful, in fact it has still three weeks to run but the target of 12 000€ has already been reached. Any money sent before the end of the appeal will be used to improve infrastructure for the event. It is thanks to all the fans of the festival that it has been saved and that the
15th Edition of Fest Jazz in 2019 is already scheduled for 25th – 28th July.
“The donations have come from everywhere: the townsfolk of Châteauneuf-du-Faou and from all over France, but also from Belgium, Holland, Germany
and, of course, the UK.

Festival Présidente, Angelina Beauvir
“Even more pleasing than the financial support has been the hundreds of messages of support and encouragement that we have received. It really assures us that we are doing something right and that Fest Jazz is special for so many people. As ever, it has been an uplifting experience for the young team who direct the festival. Thank you to everyone who helped us. We can’t wait to welcome you (and the sun!) to Fest Jazz, Châteauneuf-du-Faou, next July, 2019.”
Angelina Beauvir, Festival President.
*** *** *** *** ***
Re-capping ground-breaking and innovative Fest Jazz over the years.
So worth saving! Thanks again, bands, musicians and fans for
such prompt and effusive support!
Malo Mazurié
Now one of the top trumpeters in Europe, played his first major concert at Fest Jazz when he was 13 in 2005. Jazz&Jazz included this YouTube of “The Malo Mazurié Quartet” at Fest Jazz in 2016.
Andrea Motis played her first concert outside Spain at Fest Jazz in 2013
Closely followed in 2014 and 2016 when she starred with Joan Chamorro’s wonderful Barcelona based St Andreu Jazz Band.
Jazz&Jazz is privileged to have featured and filmed Joan’s St Andreu’s young stars at
Fest Jazz on three occasions. Please visit this essential
Jazz&Jazz feature:
Youth in Jazz: Featuring Joan Chamorro’s Inspirational St Andreu Jazz Band
The sensational Tuba Skinny
From New Orleans! They played one of their first European dates at Fest Jazz 2014.
Jazz&Jazz was there to film them, accompanied by the Church Bells!
Frog and Henry
Also from New Orleans, a superb collective of young musicians played at
Fest Jazz 2017 and 2018:
The Ben Holder Quartet
Shake’Em Up Jazz Band
Galaad Moutoz
Dorine de Wit: “Jamaica Farewell”
Big Daddy Wilson
The Mamma Shakers
Tad Newton’s Jazzfriends
The Festival is Saved!
So watch out for more surprises in store for Fest Jazz 2019!
Early Bird announcements will be made here, on Jazz&Jazz,
courtesy of Fest Jazz.
Peter M Butler
Editor Jazz&Jazz
(YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
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