Fest Jazz 2018 Presents The Chris Hayward 4

Chris Hayward is one of the UK’s foremost jazz violinists.


Chris discovered the music of Stephane Grapelli and Django Reinhart around 1978 and has run several training courses in Django style at first in the North West of England and more recently in Ireland (including the Cork Jazz Festival), Florida and the Samois Django festival in France.

A dynamic instrumentalist with a superb technique, Chris is accompanied by
Rae Owen (Double bass), Mickey Dunne (guitar) and Karl Webb (guitar).

Peter M Butler
Editor Jazz&Jazz

(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)

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  1. Norm888 says:

    Was there meant to be a video in the big blank space above ? Norm888

  2. Peter Butler says:

    There is Norm. How come you have missed it? Did you click on “Read More”?

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