When I launched Jazz&Jazz in 2011 following a spectacular visit to New Orleans in 2010,
I had no concept of the looming impact of Social Media. My aim was, and still is, that Jazz&Jazz should become a force in helping keep jazz live and alive – also giving a boost to the “numerous younger bands and growing number of younger fans making their mark.”

Header to my Facebook Jazzers Group
Then Social Media – in particular Facebook – increasingly and predominantly became the mainstream for online communications and promotions. So I got in on the act and besides my personal Facebook page I launched my Facebook Jazzers Group with the aim of attracting
a much wider audience to follow Jazz&Jazz.
Above: Mastheads used on two other Facebook Pages which I launched with the aim of highlighting and drawing people here, to Jazz&Jazz. The effort proved counter productive. It simply added kudos to the Facebook brand.
But many Jazz&Jazz followers prefer not to use Social Media, so they simply don’t get to see, share or react to any of the comments posted on my Facebook Jazzers Group or personal Facebook page. Similarly, fans who just stick to my Facebook Jazzers Group and Facebook posts may miss out on comments made directly here, on Jazz&Jazz. This detracts from a key aim of Jazz&Jazz – which is to encourage fans to exchange views on Jazz&Jazz features in the “Comment” section at the foot of each post. Fans who just stick to my Facebook Jazzers Group and Facebook posts could be missing out on comments made directly here on Jazz&Jazz and on adding their own comments.
Graham Smith recently wrote to me “You spend a lot of their time promoting Jazz for us all to enjoy and seem to reap little reward or praise. Thank you for your interest and dedication”. Thank you, Graham. It would be very rewarding to find folks using Comments below each Jazz&Jazz feature rather than, or at least as well as on Facebook, so please, give it a go! Perhaps you might also stumble across the Donate button in the right hand column.
One of the earliest Jazz&Jazz Features:
Barry urged me to “keep doing what you are doing”. So I have.
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
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