Tuesday, May 1st, 8.00pm at
Carlton House Club, High St. Olney Mk46 4BB
£10 in advance/£12 on the day.
It’s a Scoop! So be advised, they’re HOT, book quickly:
Tel: 01234 711348

Peter Horsfall

Ewan Bleach
Peter Horsfall’s Basin Street Brawlers swing to 1920s /1930s jazz hot out of London!
‘London’s top hot jazz ensemble’ (visitlondon.com).
‘This band of master musicians swing and stomp their way through the most beautiful melodies and raucous rags of the 1920s and 1930s ‘with all the energy and assurance of a bunch of Kansas City veterans’ (The Sunday Times).

Martin Wheatley

Malcolm Earle-Smith
Their debut record ‘It’s Tight Like That’ has garnered critical acclaim, described as a work of ‘world class musicianship’ (BBC). I saw the band at Twinwoods Festival in August last year and immediately thought of Olney Jazz Club. The Brawlers regularly give concerts at the UK’s most prestigious jazz and chamber music venues, including the Royal Albert Hall’s Elgar Room, the Pizza Express Jazz Club, Holywell Music Room and, now, Olney Jazz Club. The group are also in demand playing for dancers, headlining the London Swing Festival numerous times and making appearances at the European Swing Dance Championships and London Balboa Exchange.

Colin Good
It’s A Snip!
Tickets £10 in advance or £12 on the door from the Carlton House Club,
High St, Olney MK46 4BB. Good food is available but booking is advised.
Tel 01234 711348 to reserve tickets/food.
Tickets are also available from Phonebox magazine, Stanley Court, Olney
*** *** ***
Advance notice
Tuesday June 5th 8.00pm – The Paul Higgs Quartet:
“A Brief History of Jazz”
£10adv/£12 door
Check it all out at www.olneyjazzclub.com
I plan to see you all at OJC on Tuesday, 1st May! It’s a given!
Alan Haughton
Olney Jazz Club
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