Little Witley Village Hall Committee email me: “We wondered if it would be possible to get a posting on your website for our upcoming jazz evening with The Freetime Old Dixie Jass Band. Little Witley Jazz have been running jazz evenings since the early 80’s including The Zenith Hot Stompers, Humphrey Lyttleton, Kenny Ball, Tommy Burton and many more.”
With a line up like that how could I refuse!
They tell me the jazz nights at Little Witley stopped in 2015 but were revived last year with a Spatz Langham’s “Hot Fingers” sell out show, demonstrating that the appetite for
Little Witley jazz evenings is as strong as ever.
The jazz evenings were run by locals Vernon and Veronica Ashley for 34 years and indeed they assisted our committee in organising last years events with their invaluable experience. With the success of the “Hot Fingers” jazz evening, Little Witley Jazz lives on under the Village Hall Committee’s watchful eyes.

Spatz Langham’s Hot Fingers
So, it gives me great pleased to announce on Jazz&Jazz your next Little Witley Jazz Event:
Friday 6th April, 7.00 for 7.30pm.
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
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Just amazing !!! What a past line-up of the stars of jazz,.and they are starting up again with a brilliant band ! This new committee look like they mean business, and I just hope they, and their audiences, will have the vision to bring on some of the exciting young bands, who have the onus on them to carry the music forward. Best wishes and success to Little Whitley JC Norm888
Totally agree, Norman.
Some of my happiest moments in jazz were with the Blue Mags during the 80’s and 90’s at Little Witley with the wonderful Vernon and Veronica. I can sill feel the hangovers…..It was a superb jazz club, let’s hope it continues to be as successful….
Trevor, your comment makes it all the more rewarding for me that Little Witley Jazz chose Jazz&Jazz to help promote their relaunch. I expect to hear from you soon about Fest Jazz.