“Featuring Jazz&Jazz YouTubes” Part 17

A Joan Chamorro Masterclass for his teenage stars.
To date I have 700 followers on my Jazz & Jazz YouTube Site and I recently began featuring selected YouTubes along with visitors’ comments here on Jazz&Jazz in keeping with my motif
“Celebrating the Joy of Jazz!”
I include below two comments relating to my YouTube of Joan’s talented San Andreu
teenage jazz musicians.
“Joan, what a great rendition of this Duke Ellington tune. You are to be commended for an uninterrupted run of many years’ mentoring & training numerous students of jazz in your wonderful groups. I vividly remember discovering – years ago – an amazing version of Tiger Rag by one of your earliest groups, then all teenagers. Clearly your standards of artistry continue to this day. All of the musicians here are noticeably relaxed, especially your drummer. Her ‘loose wrists’ – as Big Sid Catlett taught – contribute a lot to how the group swings on this piece.
Thank you and keep up the good work!”
(Urbino237 January 2018)
“Hello again, girls ! It’s great to hear your sensitive rendering of All Too Soon. Alba (Esteban), you are playing better and better. You’ve got that Johnny Hodges-Ben Webster style, so beautiful and relaxed. I love it. And Alba (Armengou), changing from the trumpet to the alto sax must be awfully difficult, yet you do it with ease. You girl are a hard worker! Congratulations to the pianist too, he plays some nice chords and a lovely intro. But who’s the man on the bass ? His face looks vaguely familiar.”
(Philippe Briand 2015)
I am planning a special Jazz&Jazz Feature about our new generation of
Jazz Musicians and Jazz Bands.
Previously in the “Featuring Jazz&Jazz YouTubes” series.
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
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