Bob Dwyer (tbn); Chez Chesterman (tpt); Andy Cresswell (clt); David Price bnj/gui; John Bayne (b/b.sax); Graham Collicate (dms below); Hugh Crozier (pno).
Bix & Pieces? Anything but, other than a nod in the direction of Mr Beiderdecke.
Bob Dwyer and his elite ensemble thrilled Shuffle fans with a rousing finale to the
2017 festival.
Shuffle fans revelled in the banter, the cryptic humour, the repartee, but above all the joyous jazz. Even the Seaside Shuffle mascot joined in on one number. You can’t miss the canine chorus.
Fast Forward to the Jazz&Jazz YouTubes
A huge vote of thanks go the the Shuffle Organising Team, Ron, Christine, John and Paul, for a brilliant festival and for jazz throughout the year with the monthly club sessions. I can’t make the journey every month for the club meets, but I haven’t missed a single festival yet since Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle got of to an amazing start in 2011. Joyous, tantalising jazz!
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
You can keep up to date via the Shuffle’s Facebook Page.
Great stuff the variety available in this style of jazz is what makes it so listenable and ageless.
Thoroughly enjoyable filming them for YouTubes as well, Barry.