The Joan Chamorro Andrea Motis Quintet at Fest Jazz 2016.
Barcelona’s Sant Andreu Jazz Band
“A youth jazz band from Barcelona, featuring 7 to 20-year-old children and teenagers. The Band Leader is Joan Chamorro.” (Wikipedia)
I am immensely privileged to be associated with Joan Chamorro and his brilliant Barcelona based Sant Andreu Jazz Band’s young musicians and to have featured them on Jazz&Jazz since 2013.
So in Spain’s dire hour of need, what better way is there for me to pay tribute to the people and neighbourhood of Barcelona than to feature here his young musicians and their massive contribution of joy and music to Barcelona, Spain and the entire world.
Barcelona, these are your musicians and this is for you!
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
As the former leader of the Dick Palombi orchestra and musical director of the Rieara Hotel in Las Vegas Hotel in Las Vegas, I want to say how impressed I am with these young musicians. Keep up your great musicianship.
Vamos Barcelona q México está contigo!!! Saludos! Translated: Come Barcelona, Mexico is with you !!!
Thanks for your article. I really enjoy their jazz songs and particularly the vocals. Some of which I have downloaded and listen to frequently. Please keep up the good work! and let the jazz world know of their wonderful music.
Art Murray
More comments on my Facebook site.
I have followed Joan and his passion for a long time and from far away (Australia) I am always impressed by his work with these incredible young musicians. He is always there for them and the musical results he coaxes from them is amazing. Well done to Joan Chamorro and his support team.
About Sant Andreu Jazz Band at Musik.pm.
Oh, if only I could grant Joan Chamarro and the band immortality, I would do it in a heartbeat!
Enthusiasm radiates in every production. I am constantly amazed and consumed. Bravo!
I enjoy watching the growth of these musicians as the years pass. Keep growing, you’re an inspiration to all young musicians every where
Hello, from a big fan in Las Vegas, Nevada, in the United States. We love you people. We are with you in Solidarity. Bend but don’t Break. Music brings us all together.
Know that in your hour of trouble that the people of my country (USA) are with you. Joan, I am very impressed by your teaching methods and the musicians you produce. I too have downloaded many of these videos to my page and watch/listen to them a lot. All my best to you, Andrea, Carla, RIta, Eva and the rest of the Sant Andreu Jazz Band students, adult players and teachers. From a fellow teacher and tenor player.
Thank you JP for bringing your comments back to the real point of Peter’s article – the suffering of the people of Barcelona ! Having seen Joan’s band live, and met the man himself, we have to feel for these young people/musicians, who have to bear the brunt of the evil inhumane people committing these atrocities in their country. Yes, sure, they can play on with their beautiful music, but it will hurt.
Viva Espania Norm888
Of course, if you really want to show solidarity with the people of Barcelona, and it’s Sant Andreu district in particular, the very best way is to go there and be with them.
This month presents the perfect opportunity, with the Sant Andreu Jazz Festival on from 21st Sept to 1st October, with most of the programme (http://jazzingfestival.com/programa-2017-2/) from 28th September to 1st October.
It need not be that expensive, with flights from under £30 upwards, most of the concerts free but the two main evenings costing only £20 on an ‘abonament’ (=pass). Be warned that the Sant Andreu Teatre (SAT) website is a bit of a nightmare with no English (or Spanish) translation, and it would seem you cannot book anything without having a Barcelona postcode first! Theatre less than third full both nights as of today.