Jay Darwish, Adrian Cox, TJ Johnson & Tony Pitt
The second in my newly launched “Tune For Today” series recapping selections from my Jazz&Jazz YouTubes. I had hoped that this gig might inspire a revival of regular jazz gigs at London’s 100 Club. Sadly, to date, this has not been the case other than
the occasional concert.
With TJ Johnson (drums) are Adrian Cox (saxophone), Sky Murphy (trombone), Tony Pitt (banjo), Roger Myerscough (clarinet) and Jay Darkish (double bass).
My original Jazz&Jazz post featuring this evening of full on jazz at The 100 Club on Wednesday, 28th January, 2015, is at “Full on jazz at The 100 Club” .
Visit the first in the “Tune For Today” Series.
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
Note: Apologies that “The Light From The Lighthouse” is clipped. Filming at The 100 Club can have its problems!
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