L to R: Roy Stokes (Trombone); Mike Scranton (Trumpet); Liz Bacon (guesting on clarinet); Paul Bacon (guesting on drums); Alan Cresswell (clarinet); Mike Broad (Double Bass); and not forgetting Kevin Scott (Leader, banjo)!
Featuring a series of Jazz&Jazz Golden Eagles’ YouTubes filmed on Thursday, 29th September, at Tad Newton’s Bedford Golf Club Jazz Venue. Magnificent setting – great food, great jazz, comfortable seating!
A couple of the YouTubes fall into my “Take Two Category” – i.e. if only I could have, I would have filmed them again, without the need to reposition the camera from my original vantage point which became obscured by fans. I moved to the bar at the back of the hall to capture the next best possible view of the Golden Eagles over the heads of the fans! It took some manoeuvring for position which shows! But I consider them well worth while including here.
That’s it folks – until I catch up with The Golden Eagles again!.
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
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