A plethora of great bands over four days – 29th September/2nd October including:
Barry Palser’s Savoy Jazz Men
2.00pm Saturday 1st October
The St Neots Big Band
2.30pm Sunday, 2nd October
Sounds great ! Long way for me to go but I think I’d love it ! But harping back to discussions on organised jazz festivals running into financial trouble, how come this festival can run all for FREE ? Sponsorship must play an amazing part ! Any idea ? Do you have a knowledgeable friend down there Peter ?
Barry Palser (Savoy Jazz Men) pointed me to this. It’s on his home turf so to speak. But it’s not just jazz, all types of bands/groups play at the festival. Quote from the programme: “The Town Team would like to thank Ewing Associates in Station Road and The Young Company, Accountants in Huntingdon for their sponsorship of the Festival.”