Founded 1984
Plymouth’s Premier Jazz Venue
Jazz&Jazz is delighted to support Plymouth Jazz Club in
Promoting Live Jazz!
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Sunday, September 4th • 7.00 for 7.30pm
Martin Dale Quartet
with Roger Marks
Top Devon trombonist Roger Marks joins Martin Dale’s Quartet for a great evening of
easy listening mainstream jazz.
The Royal British Legion Club, Tailyour Road, Crownhill, Plymouth PL6 5DH
Admission £9, Members £7, Full-Time Students £5 Tickets on the door.
Tel: 01752 721179
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Sunday, September 18th • 7.00 for 7.30pm
The Pedigree Jazz Band
One of the busiest & most successful traditional jazz bands, formed in 2013 and touring
throughout the UK, comes to Plymouth.
The Royal British Legion Club, Tailyour Road, Crownhill, Plymouth PL6 5DH
Admission £9, Members £7, Full-Time Students £5 Tickets on the door.
Tel: 01752 721179
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Sunday, October 2nd • 7.00 for 7.30pm
The Sopranos
Quintet headed by the two soprano saxes of Chris Pearce & Andy Leggett playing in the style of
Sidney Bechet, Bob Wilber, Soprano Summit etc.
The Royal British Legion Club, Tailyour Road, Crownhill, Plymouth PL6 5DH
Admission £9, Members £7, Full-Time Students £5 Tickets on the door.
Tel: 01752 721179
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Sunday, October 16th • 7.00 for 7.30pm
The Black Cat Jazz Band
A fine band formed in 2014 to play music in an authentic New Orleans “Dance Hall” style.
Featuring trumpeter Steve Graham.
The Royal British Legion Club, Tailyour Road, Crownhill, Plymouth PL6 5DH
Admission £9, Members £7, Full-Time Students £5 Tickets on the door.
Tel: 01752 721179
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Gig information and general enquiries:
(01752) 721179
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