Joan Chamorro Promises A Sant Andreu Fest Jazz MasterClass


Fest Jazz, 2014: Joan Chamorro and the Sant Andreu Jazz Band

Fest Jazz, 2014: Joan Chamorro and the Sant Andreu Jazz Band

Fest Jazz 2016 promises “The most exciting programme in the twelve years of the festival”,
Angelina Beauvir, Festival President.

Headline acts include the Sant Andreu Jazz Band, the youth band from Barcelona, Spain, featuring youngsters and teenagers from 7 to 17 plus, led by Joan Chamorro, their inspirational mentor. Andrea Motis, their young international trumpet star, will be with them throughout the weekend.

Probably the most famous youth band in the world, The Sant Andreu Band rarely performs outside their Barcelona home but following their incredibly successful involvement in Fest Jazz 2014, they are returning to Châteauneuf-du-Faou for Fest Jazz 2016 to celebrate a very special occasion, their 10th Anniversary.

In the words of  Fest Jazz President Angelina Beauvir: “We are delighted and proud that this brilliant band of 30 young musicians from the Municipal School of Music in Barcelona has chosen to come back to Fest Jazz in 2016 to celebrate their 10th Anniversary.  Their impact on the jazz world is already international with young stars emerging.  They will play in small groups throughout the weekend and The Big Band will finish the festival on Sunday evening alongside the Andrea Motis and Joan Chamorro Quintet. It will be a great tribute to the unique ambiance of Fest Jazz and a Joan Chamorro “Youth in Jazz Masterclass”.

I was hugely privileged to film the Sant Andreu Jazz Band at Fest Jazz in 2014 so to capture the ambiance, here is a selection of YouTube extracts of my footage.

Plus The Andrea Motis and Joan Chamorro Quintet at Pizza Express Jazz Club, Dean Street, London:

Ginny and I hope to meet up with as many jazz fans and jazz friends as possible over Fest Jazz Weekend 29th- 31st July!

Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz

(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)



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  1. Norm888 says:

    Two years ago we got to the marque too late and it was standing room only viewing from the open sides. We will not make the same mistake this time, we will be an early part of the expected 2000, same as packed in back then for Sant Andreu Jazz Band. It is looking to be a fantastic and varied weekend of great music, and we look forward to catching up with you in one week’s time. By the way, you are doing the jazz going public a tremendous service publicising this amazing festival. Cheers. Norm888

  2. Peter Butler says:

    Thank you Norman. See you there!

  3. Trevor Stent says:

    The videos speak for themselves, Peter. Don’t forget, in this 2016 Fest jazz, Joan is going to be bringing new and fabulously promising youngsters in addition to the ones he brought in 2014.. What a man!!

  4. Peter Butler says:

    Looking forward!!!

  5. Norm888 says:

    It’s hard to put words together to describe what a tremendous festival we have just got home from, Angelina and Trevor must be well congratulated for leading their strong young team for, once again, getting all this festival on for several thousand jazz fans. Once again, it was exciting to witness so many young people – where on earth do they get all that energy from ? ( Actually I do recall being a mad hoppy skippy dancer a while back ! ) Sant Andreu again were amazing. Last year ‘The Old Chaps’ were the surprise band, but a large group of swing dancers, from Brest, confirmed my belief that the’Ben Holder Quartet’ were a star outfit this year. I’m sure you will be getting some video of them on here shortly. Even if briefly, it was great to catch up with you and Ginny again. Norm888

  6. Peter Butler says:

    I agree, Norman, and I’m so pleased I recommended Ben to Trevor. Ginny and I just got back home by overnight ferry this morning after travelling deeper into France to visit friends in a remote village near Boussais. Now I’ve got to get to editing the footage I took for YouTubes! Lot’s done so it will take a while. Bear with me. San Andreu were brilliant.



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