The Old Hat Jazz Band
In my pursuit of the emerging generation of young jazz musicians and bands I seize every opportunity to seek them out and film them for my Jazz&Jazz YouTubes.
I grow weary of fatalistic echoes about the death of jazz. That might have been on the cards a while back but nowadays Jazz is bouncing back with panache. I take every opportunity I can to film and feature young bands, musicians and fans on Jazz&Jazz – whether in clubs or at festivals or in their own venues playing for their own enthusiastic new generation of jazz fans.
I applaud established promoters who welcome these young stars to play on the club and festival circuits. I applaud all the more older fans and musicians who cross the thresholds of vibrant new venues and mingle with our new generation of jazz fans.
Old Hat at The Winning Post
Perhaps Lizy Exell and her band of troubadours were quite canny in calling themselves “The Old Hat Jazz Band”. That name and their musical prowess quickly launched them on the jazz scene in and around London and increasingly further afield to great acclaim from fans of all ages.
So here they are with “Gentleman” at The Winning Post Jazz Club, Twickenham, where young jazz musicians are every bit as welcome as any long established band.
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
See also:
Jazz&Jazz YouTubes Featuring The Old Hat Jazz Band at The Winning Post
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