Tad, Gary, Richard and Amy
Rising star, Amy Roberts (2015 British Jazz Award winner on flute) and Richard Exall (sax) with Tad Newton’s Jazz Friends at The Walnut Tree Jazz Club, Blisworth. Gary Wood (trumpet) recently featured in Just Jazz Magazine (January 2016). Like Richard, Gary is “A child of the ‘60s”. Ray Crick asked him “Are you a musician or a minstrel?” Gary replied that he sees himself as “the latter, a strolling entertainer who makes people happy.”
Jazz&Jazz YouTube Advertising
I have a treasure trove of YouTubes I have taken yet to be featured on Jazz&Jazz and Social Media, including my Facebook Jazzers Group. It takes me time to edit my videos in iMovie for best results before uploading to my YouTube Channel. As much as I would prefer not to, I include Google ads on the YouTubes. Simply put, I need to cover the increasing costs of my efforts to help promote and support jazz or run down my activities. I have hinted at possibilities of fund raising to help cover these costs (there is a Donate button on the Jazz&Jazz website) but with little response it seems limited revenue from YouTube advertising is currently my best bet.
Thought I’d add this comment received in response to the YouTube:
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)