Raising Funds For
“It seems unbelievable that it was barely two years ago that I started ‘JAZZ4FUNDS’ to help Lancaster Boys and Girls Club, and even more unbelievable that the total is fast heading towards our target of £3,000!!! All while we have been seeing some really good performances at reasonable cost, in a really good comfortable venue and with drinks over 50% cheaper
than pub prices!”
Don’t miss out on this Doc Houlind Special!
Ring me asap 01524 855770 or email: [email protected]
Thanks for supporting us.
Norman Gibson
(Supporter of Lancaster Boys & Girls Club)
Thank you for this plug Peter,although, as you were probably aware, it did not bring in bums on seats from your far away neck of the woods. Our audience last night just failed to break the usual 100 mark, but we managed to pay the bands agreed fee, beds for the night, their interval buffet and provide them with a drinks kitty. A great evening of fine jazz ensued and our donation to our local Boys and Girls Club will bring our total up to just short of £2500. We will be going along to another Lancashire club in Rochdale this Sunday to hear this superb band again. Thanks again.
Norman and Meryl – JAZZ4FUNd z z http://www.lancasterboysandgirlsclub.org.uk
Indeed, down south is far too far away from Morecambe and in any case Doc Houlind is touring down south as well. He was at Hemsby last weekend and is at Olney next Tuesday where I will catch up with him again. There are relevant posts and a YouTube on Jazz&Jazz. Glad I could be of some help though.