Military Road, Ramsgate: Facing the Inner Harbour are the Seaman’s Church and the Ramsgate Home for Smack Boys. Above, on the cliff, are the terraced buildings of Royal Parade.
Sunday a.m. 12th July, Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle fans enjoyed an uplifting concert of hymns and spirituals in Ramsgate Harbour’s famous Seaman’s Church.
Thank you Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle Committee and especially The Seaman’s Church for such an inspiring and calming interlude in the weekends activities.
And thank you Trefor Williams (bass), Ian Turner (Clarinet), Andy Maynard (Banjo) and Sid Bailey (Trombone) for such rich sounds in the perfect acoustical setting.
Of the two numbers I filmed for YouTube I preferred “In The Sweet By and By”. I was too entranced to film more. But I have also included The Sailor’s Church YouTube “respectfully dedicated to all who have lost their lives at sea”.
(YouTube © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
I am now busily preparing posts and YouTubes featuring the other festival bands and events in The Small Boat Owners Club and on the Harbour Concourse. So watch out for Annie Hawkins’ Jazzmen, Frog Island, Red Hot & Blue, The Big Easy with Trefor Williams and much more.
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
Sorry Peter, but I have never played trumpet.
Whoops! Sorry Sid – my slip up! My fingers didn’t believe my eyes let alone my knowledge. More haste less accuracy.