Keeping Jazz Alive: Part 3
I’ll begin this post with my YouTube of The Andrea Motis/Joan Chamorro Quintet starring at Pizza Express Jazz Club, Soho, on Wednesday, 1st October.
The Quintet stars 19 year old Andrea (vocals, soprano sax & trumpet); Joan Chamorro (Leader, contrabass and tenor sax); Ignasi Terraza (piano); Josep Traver (Guitar); and Esteve Pi (Drums). Their London debut followed equally successful shows at Paris’s leading jazz club, the Duc de Lombards.
But there is a much bigger story to be told and that revolves around Joan Chamorro’s incredible work with Barcelona School Children in founding at Andrea’s alma mater, The St Andreu Jazz Band. I have followed the band for some months so it was a huge privilege to meet Joan – and his band of young stars – when they stole the show at Fest Jazz in Brittany this July. As this YouTube demonstrates, his work is inspirational. It’s hardly matched any where else in the world let alone in the UK.
In an earlier Jazz&Jazz feature entitled “Encouraging Signs for Jazz in Europe, So Why Not in The UK?” I featured Trevor Stent’s article “Jazz at School… A Homage to Catalonia” in which he focuses on St Andreu’s young musicians and asks the question “Why not in the UK”? It’s well worth reading.
Press Reviews
And now, here is what the press had to say about Andrea at Pizza Express:
The Guardian:
The Arts Desk:
So please also read: “Our audience is dying and there is little we can do!” plus “Sammy Rimington: “In The Upper Garden”
In signing off, let me say this, I know we have the younger bands and the talent in the UK to match this achievement. And Jazz&Jazz will be focusing on these bands in future features.
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor, Jazz&Jazz
Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz
Graham Hughes has emailed me with these very vital comments:
Hi Peter,
In reply to your article saying “jazz is dying” I’d like to mention that Jazz is definitely not dying. In London alone there are dozens of really fabulous musicians and bands that have appeared in the last few years.
The thing that is dying is the Traditional Jazz Club.
Many Traditional Jazz Clubs need to look at themselves to see why they are dying.
There are a few thriving clubs:
– these tend to be monthly
– they tend to welcome a broad spectrum of people (who love to be entertained)
– they book bands that are really class acts
– the bands each month tend to be a little bit different to provide variety
– the venue is appropriate for a performance
– they tend to start earlier (7:30 or 8.00) and finish earlier (10.00 or 10:30)
An audience needs to go home wanting more. They shouldn’t be tired, having heard too much music and wanting to go to bed.
The promoter needs to be really positive, smiling and welcoming to all of their customers, and to the musicians too.
The list goes on.
If a club gets it right they’ll find people want to come – not just jazz fans, but anybody that wants a great night out.
Best wishes,
Graham Hughes
Alan Haughton runs just such a club in Olney, rural Buckinghamshire. I was there last night for Ben Holder Master Fiddler Special. YouTubes on the way!