Celebrating Cliff Crockett – 100 Years Young and Still Drumming!
We have just received the sad news that Cliff is no longer with us:
Fred Burnett | 28 May 19:38 |
A sad note to say Cliff Crockett died this afternoon at the Shrewsbury Hospice after a short illness. One hundred years and three months. What a great innings ! He was still playing drums at 100.
Regards Geoff
So let’s remember Cliff by recalling how he chose to celebrate his 100th birthday. How else than by drumming up a storm with his beloved Severnside Jazz Band! His other lifelong love and wife Edna said, “His doctor thinks it keeps him young!” Following is how Jazz&Jazz reported that wonderful day.
Cliff has played drums with The Severnside Jazz Band since 1998 so what better way to celebrate his birthday than by giving a star performance with them at The Four Crosses pub in Bicton, Shropshire?
Trumpeter Lionel Ferbos at the grand age of 102 is the oldest jazz musician in New Orleans. Now the UK has it’s own jazz centenarian in Shropshire so hit the link below to go over to The Shropshire Star for their wonderful spread on his birthday celebrations.
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