A Combustible Combination! The Martyn Brothers & Sammy Rimington at The 100 Club

Sammy Rimington, Ben Martyn, Adrian Cox, Finlay Milne & George Simmonds

Thursday 21st March was, for the first day of Spring, a cold one. But for fans who turned out in force at London’s world famous 100 Club in Oxford Street it was HOT! The Martyn Brothers’ Jazz Band summoned up a storm with guest star, Sammy Rimington, playing with forked lightening to the thunderous applause of the ecstatic fans.

Taken without flash against the backdrop of the luminescent 100 Club stage lighting, these atmospheric photos tell the story.

Band leader Emile Martyn

Brother Ben








Henry on the ivories

Adrian Cox










John Ruscoe

Finlay Milne










Ben, Adrian and Sammy

Finlay strikes up a ballad!

Incandescent trombone








Adrian, Finlay and George

Photos © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz

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