My wife Ginny and I considered it a privilege to attend Bernie Tyrrell’s funeral service on Wednesday, 21st November, and to join the other mourners in support of Lynda as she bade Bernie farewell.
I will keep this message brief because the proper place for Bernie’s obituary and his remarkable contribution to jazz is in Just Jazz magazine. So I will just quote from the message I received from Lynda today.
“It was nice that Richard Leach brought his trombone and Davy Fawcett his banjo. Both Dave and Richard played along side Bernie several times which made it all the more special for them to join in the service. It was wonderful for Dave Franklin and John Pinkerton to join the quartet in honour of Bernie.
“It certainly was a lovely service, and it was nice to know that my little brother was able to be by my side. And yes I did cry, looking at the flowers and the wreath I chose for Bernie which turned out just as I had requested. Even the Florist and Greengrocer arranged to send so flowers for him, which was a lovely gesture on their part. They were so used to him calling in for groceries and for a bouquet of flowers which he bought for me each week. I know they were upset by his passing.
“Bernie will be a hard act to follow”

John Pinkerton, Davy Fawcett, Richard Leach and, below, Dave Franklin paying their last respects to Bernie.
Just another word on behalf of Lynda. With Terry’s help she fully intends to continuing producing The Jazz Guide so keep up to date with your ads. And watch out for the December issue. It will be very special.
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