Why post this on Jazz&Jazz? Because a primary aim of this website is to prevent jazz venues from closing down! Too many bands, musicians and fans have seen halls, pubs and clubs close their doors to jazz in recent years and the trend is accelerating.
MelloMello is a very special venue in Liverpool and I can’t do better than let Jeff Lewis, a member of my facebook Jazzers Group explain what is at stake:
“PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT JAZZ AND GRASS ROOTS ARTS, please read the following. I am not attempting to hijack the Jazzers Group with local politics, and the matter has potential implications far beyond Merseyside. The jazz and general cultural heritage of Liverpool is long, varied and of lasting international importance, surviving despite the city’s economic tribulations. The last few years have seen a near explosion of new talent, including jazz, and a thriving grass roots arts scene. Underpinning much of this is a BUSINESS RATE CONCESSION provided by Liverpool Council which has enabled community based grass roots arts projects to flourish. Typical of these is an excellent establishment on the corner of Slater Street and Parr Street, called MelloMello. It is a non-profit, community interest organisation, founded by volunteers who have worked like demons to turn a previously derelict building (once a motor dealer’s) into a vibrant artistic hub of activity and business, which now employs about 20 people. For the jazzers among us, it is also a very important gig venue, hosting multiple jazz gigs (all styles) every week, as well as rock, funk, folk, comedy, actors’ workshops etc. It also houses rehearsal space for bands, function rooms for classes etc and a well equipped recording studio, all at very reasonable prices…… Their website says it all. This has been achieved from NOTHING over about 4 years, and the organisation is now starting to get on its feet. Liverpool Council has now withdrawn this business rate concession causing understandable cash flow problems for many establishments across the city. Mello, and other similar organisations, now hang very much in the balance, and should they be forced out of business, their closure will choke off much of this cultural resurgence at birth. I know most of you will not live in Liverpool, but the importance of this is much more than a local issue, and of extreme relevance to anyone who cares about jazz, which needs all the help it can get. Please could I ask people to sign the attached petition to Liverpool Council, which is already starting to attract some noteable figures, and help us persuade the Council to re-examine the unintended consequences of their decision. Thank you very much for your time.”
Jeff Lewis, on behalf of jazz fans in Liverpool and everywhere.
That says it all so if you love jazz and want to see it thrive, get to the petition now and sign it!
I did and you can read my comment here: https://www.change.org/en-GB/members/29505414
Jeff Lewis and the Speakeasy Bootleg Band gig regularly at MelloMello.
What’s more, you can join our crusade for jazz by adding your comments to this blog and to any of the blogs posted on Jazz&Jazz. That helps boost the site in Google and other Search Engine rankings giving it much more prominence and exposure. Or you can make a Friend Request on my Celebrating Jazz Facebook Page so that I can send you an invite to join the Jazzers Group.
Peter Mark Butler
Founder & Moderator of Jazz&Jazz and The Jazzers Group
It’s now time for an urgent update to this post because “The iconic MelloMello building; home to Liverpool’s organically grown creative hub of artists, musicians, writers, film-makers, dancers and performers is a whisker away from being secured and saved forever.”
Find out more and how you can help at: http://igg.me/at/mellomello