Don’t miss The New Orleans Z’hulus in Macclesfield, Cheshire. Immensely popular at European jazz clubs and festivals, the Belgian band will be starring at a Fraser McCombe “Evening of Jazz” on Sunday, 15 April, 2012. An annual event, the five last years have been a great success and a sell out!
For advanced information and bookings email: [email protected] or call 01625 433345

New Orleans Z'Hulus: Lielian Tan, Boss Querod, Emile Van Pelt, Philippe DeSmet, Brian Turnock, Dan Vercruysse (Photo courtesy of Brian Turnock)
DAN VERCRUYSSE (Belgium) Trumpet. Dan has been with the band for the past four years. He brings a calm and authoritative lead to the band and has introduced several new numbers Into the band’s repertoire. A resident of Kortrijk he also leads his own group, The Superior Dance Band. As the title suggests he is a great admirer of Bunk Johnson.
PHlLIPPE DE SMET (Belgium) Trombone . One the founder members of the Z’hulus, in his early days Philippe was heavily influenced by Louis Nelson. So much so that he was invited to dep when the great man look sick during a Swiss tour with Danny Barker’s Band. He is always in great demand both on trombone and his second instrument, the tenor sax.
JOHN DEFFERARY (U.K. Germany) Clarinet. An outstanding reed man, John has graced many of the top bands for almost half a century. His CV includes stints with Papa Bue, Chris Barber and Trevor Richards. He first came to prominence with Keith Smith’s Climax Band in the early sixties which also included Brian Turnock. His association with the Z’hulus goes way back and he starred on the band’s very first recording.
EMILE VAN PELT (Holland) Piano. An extremely versatile pianist, Emile has worked with several bands in Europe over the years. He has become more familiar with British audiences recently as a member of Sammy Rimington’s International Band. A solid, hard driving pianist in the true New Orleans tradition, he is both an accomplished rhythm man and soloist.
BRIAN TURNOCK (U.K. Belgium) Bass. A member of the Z’hulus for 25 years, Brian has starred with a host of top bands on the New Orleans circuit. Beginning in the Sixties with Keith Smith and after many years with Barry Martyn, Brian settled on mainland Europe and worked with Sammy Rimington and Lillian Boutte. He has recorded with all of the top New Orleans artists ranging from George Lewis and John Handy to Don Ewell and Lil Armstrong.
LIELIAN TAN (Holland) Drums. Our drummer for this tour will be the outstanding Dutch girl, Lielian Tan. A product of the Conservatory in the north of Holland, she is so versatile that she can adapt to many forms of music. Her love for New Orleans music has developed over the past five years from listening to the masters of New Orleans drumming. She has made several tours with the Z’hulus and adds a much needed touch of glamour to the band.
Visit the Z’Hulus at:
Probably the best band playing in the true New Orleans tradition we have had at the Salisbury club this year . What with John Defferary, Brian Turnock and the two Emile’s, Martyn and Van Pelt in the same band, what a joy it was to listen to the real thing. Will I book them again, you can bet your ass I will,
Hi Joe
Have you seen the latest Z’Hulus post on Jazz&Jazz: ?