Facebook et al …

Just a brief post. Facebook recently “updated / improved” their social media site. Can’t say I, nor many others were enamoured by the convoluted results. In fact it seemed to result in a degree of turmoil and appears to have been quickly withdrawn by Facebook!

The problem is a dependence on Facebook to draw attention to and promote the latest features published here on Jazz&Jazz. The solution would be for jazz fans to regularly visit Jazz&Jazz to keep up with our very latest posts and features, rather than depend on cross referencing from Facebook, nor indeed other Social Media sites.

So the bottom line is that I would much rather fans made regular visits here – to Jazz&Jazz – to share input. After all, Jazz&Jazz posts on Facebook appear here first.

You can use Speak Your Mind below to comment on this and other Jazz&Jazz features. For starters your thoughts and comments on this post would be hugely appreciated.

Ironically I will now share this on my Facebook Jazzers Group – https://www.facebook.com/CelebratingJazz – to spread the word!

Meantime why not enjoy my new series of Jazz&Jazz YouTubes posted
to help encounter the doldrums of Corbid19

For instance visit:
“S’Wonderful!” Adrian Cox Wows The 100 Club.

Peter M Butler
Editor and Promoter

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