Jazz&Jazz YouTubes Courtesy of Alvin Roy’s “Reeds Unlimited”

“Alvin Roy has appeared on BBC TV and ITV and reached the Top 20 with ‘True Blue Alvin Roy’. Now based in Oxford, he has led “Reeds Unlimited” since the days of the Trad Boom
 in the early sixties.”

Alvin Roy (Clarinet), Roger Davis (Bass), Martin Hart (Drums), Mike Wills (Saxophones & Clarinet), Martin Pickett (Piano)

Thank you, Alvin, Mike, Roger, Martin P and Martin H for weathering the snow to make it to Tad Newton’s Walnut Tree Jazz Club in good time on Sunday, 21st January. And thank you Alvin for giving me the go ahead to film several numbers. The lighting wasn’t too good and the spot was poorly positioned due to set ups for other events. But with a little iMovie manipulation the YouTubes turned out pretty well and the sound is good.

Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz

(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)

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