Olney Jazz Club Announces a Danish Invasion – D-Day Tuesday Oct 6th


… By Doc Houlind’s Revival All Stars



… 8.00pm Tuesday, October 6th as part of their extensive U.K. tour.

Here is a sampler, filmed by Jazz&Jazz at The Hemsby Autumn Jazz Parade last weekend.


Tickets are flying!
Great value at £10/£8 in advance from the Carlton House Club, High St, Olney, 01234 711348 (don’t forget to book if you would like to eat), and Phonebox Magazine, Stanley Court, Olney.

Coming soon …

Tuesday November 3rd

Tad Newton’s Jazz Friends pay us a welcome return visit. £10/£8 in advance. www.tadnewtonsjazzfriends.com

Tuesday December 1st

The Bateman Brothers Band  £10/£8 in advance www.batemanbrothers.com

All tickets are great value at £10/£8 in advance from Phonebox Magazine, Stanley Court, Olney or the Carlton House Club, High St, Olney 01234 711348

Check it all out at www.olneyjazzclub.com

Coming later in 2016 – some real treats!

January 5th – Ben Holder’s Gipsy Fire Band – a welcome return for the amazing violinist and his band!

February 2nd – Julian Marc Stringle – top clarinet/sax artist

March 1st – “Jazz at the Movies” with top vocalist Joanna Eden with the Chris Ingham Trio

Doc Houlind’s band is a jazz treat not to be missed so be there next Tuesday.



Olney Jazz Club


[email protected]

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