We are delighted to announce that Fest Jazz 2022 is on course for 28th/31st July!
We look forward to meeting all our UK festival goers again after the disappointment of 2020 and the difficulties of 2021. The festival in 2021 was a great success, but sadly those from the UK were unable to travel to France. That’s why we just can’t wait to welcome you back at
Fest Jazz 2022!
The Online Ticket Office is open so don’t leave it until the last minute to reserve your accommodation. As one of the regions in France happily least affected by the Covid-19 virus, Châteauneuf-du-Faou is yet again a tourist hot spot!
So why delay? Be sure to explore the full programme and place your bookings post haste!
We truly look forward to seeing you back at Fest Jazz 2022.
The Fest Jazz Team
The Fest Jazz Programme:
straight from
FEST JAZZ 2022 at Châteauneuf-du-Faou, Brittany.
This year, Fest Jazz, one of the most talked about jazz festivals on the European classic jazz scene, welcomes one of the most celebrated classic jazz groups in the world: Tuba Skinny. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hop over the Channel and see them.
The eight-piece group with its relaxed, informal approach to life and music will fit perfectly in the atmosphere of this legendary Breton festival, with its slogan “More Woodstock than Conservatoire!”
Nestling on the banks of the beautiful River Aulne in central Brittany, Fest Jazz is a four-day explosion of music and swing dance that attracts around 4 000 festival goers every year. There are four covered venues with spectators freely strolling from one to the other, as well as music in the bars in the town where there is a rally of Classic Cars. 120+ musicians perform over 40 concerts during the weekend.
The atmosphere is relaxed and convivial with a great mixture of nationalities and generations. And there are swing dancers everywhere! There is a “young and democratic feel” to Fest Jazz with young artists, young spectators and young organisers. There is no “Artists’ Bar”, everyone mixes together.
It is likely that this year (as in 2021) that festival goers will have to show they have been fully vaccinated. But Brittany has happily been spared the worst of Covid. It is said that Châteauneuf-du-Faou is so far from anywhere, the Spanish ‘flu hasn’t arrived yet !
The early names on the programme 2022 include: Tuba Skinny (28th/29th July), the wonderful Gunhild Carling and her Family (30th/31st July), Tatiana Eva-Marie and Joe Santoni, Anastasia Ivanova (young Russian trombone star), Sabine Sassi, The Mama Shakers and many others.
Lots of people in the jazz world are talking about Fest Jazz as a “new kind of jazz festival”. Why not come and see for yourself and join in the fun?
Write to [email protected] for information and any questions you wish to ask. Brittany Ferries (Plymouth – Roscoff) is the nearest ferry terminal (70 minutes easy drive away), Brest is the nearest airport.
4 day tickets 80€/Single day tickets 25€
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