Why take time and space to post this on Jazz&Jazz?
Because for the duration, however long that may be,
live jazz everywhere is a no go due to Covid-19.
Will “everywhere” include China?
“Iain Duncan Smith takes on China’s response to the coronavirus outbreak by calling for a reset in relations between the UK and China. The former Conservative Party leader takes part in the Sun’s new ‘Hot takes’ series where he explains why Boris Johnson needs to rethink Britain’s close relationship with China. The COVID-19 outbreak started in Wuhan, China, where the government has been accused of covering up the initial outbreak and not
sharing information with other countries about
the pandemic.”
The Sun newspaper

Beijing Bebop: Once scorned, jazz is suddenly thriving in the
Chinese capital.
For the duration, however long that may be, live jazz everywhere is a no go due to Covid 19.
But will “everywhere” include China?
Manufacturing in China
In an early episode of BBC TVs Dragon’s Den
re-broadcast on 5th April, panelist Touker Suleyman offered to invest in a UK entrepreneur’s product and use his manufacturing facilities in China.
Yet, in current circumstances, even if possible, this might go against the grain.
My time in Hong Kong
I take a special interest in Chinese affairs due to time spent in Hong Kong back in the 1980s, way before Britain surrendered the territory to mainland China. It was pretty obvious that the majority were against “repatriation”.
Peter M Butler
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