Tuba Skinny at Fest Jazz, July, 2014
“It’s no wonder that bands like Tuba Skinny, Shotgun Jazz Band, Shake ‘Em Up Jazz Band are popular, folk want to hear something different.”
(Pete Lay, June 2019 Just Jazz Magazine Editorial).
Pete and Heather Lay were in New Orleans for the 2019 French Quarter Festival and in the same issue of Just Jazz Pete comments in his article Battle of New Orleans!: “There were many highlights, one of which was the huge neighbourhood audience at the Happyland Theatre at
3216 Burgundy Street to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of
Tuba Skinny and the release of their 10th CD.”
Tuba Skinny weren’t in New Orleans when I visited in 2010 but I caught up with them and was able to film them at Fest Jazz, Châteauneuf-du-Faou, in 2014. Ahead of me, before “retiring”, Pops Coffee had assembled a wonderful collection of Tuba Skinny YouTubes on his
Traditional Jazz Blog Spot.
Along with Barry Pryme and Norman Gibson I was able to get together with Erica Lewis and
Robin Rapussi on the Châteauneuf-du-Faou festival site to discuss a potential visit to UK
but I fear with no joy to date.
Meantime, please forgive my indulgence in presenting this compilation of my
Jazz&Jazz Tuba Skinny YouTubes, some released for the very first time. Several are incomplete numbers because I have edited out dancers and audiences to focus on best aspects of the band. Readers’ views would be very welcome – please use Speak Your Mind at the foot of the feature.
Main Stage
In Châteauneuf-du-Faou Centre
Jazz Under The Sun
I have even more Jazz&Jazz Tuba Skinny YouTubes to share in due course, but here’s one I simply had to include this time round. It involved a slight mishap when I got knocked of my perch by a fellow fan!
Tuba Skinny at Bar Tal ar Pont
Barely had they flown into France and arrived at in Châteaneuf-du-Faou than Tuba Skinny played at
an evening pre-festival party in the informal of settings of the legendary
Bar Tal ar Pont to welcome festival guests and musicians for the weekend.
Teaser: More Tuba Skinny Jazz&Jazz YouTubes may follow!
Peter M Butler
Editor Jazz&Jazz
Tuba Skinny on Wikipedia
Home Ground in New Orleans:
An amazing collection of excellent Tuba Skinny videos, Peter. It’s a real collector’s item! We missed out on a Tuba Skinny visit to Fest Jazz this year but I am hopeful for 2020.
Thank you Trevor. Comments like this make it all so worth while. And thank you for commenting here on Jazz&Jazz. I’m constantly striving to persuade folks to comment on Jazz&Jazz rather than on the omnipresent all encompassing Facebook, but it’s a losing battle!
Joy, joy, joy, the world is reborn.
Play this at my funeral, play it as the last loving soul dies in the greenhouse catastrophe, and keep on playing. This, Eliades Ochoa and the Malians, all of it, all of it. Dance as long as you can. Our souls shall live forever.