Google have introduced a new policy for reviewing ad inclusions on YouTubes. It reads:
“Right now, we are only able to review videos with at least 1,000 views in the past 7 days.
We’ll review your video once it reaches that threshold.”
A volume of complaints has already been made about this. It penalises the small man. For instance despite my many contacts, it would take a “Month of Sundays” for my jazz YouTubes to reach that 1,000 views target.
This is so ironic because I have just launched a new series of Jazz&Jazz posts featuring “Treasured Jazz&Jazz YouTubes” – four in the series to date, listed foot of page. My aim in doing so is, or was, not only (a) to share my 700 YouTubes already produced, but also (b) to produce many more YouTubes from my 1,500 videos filmed to date and (c) to permit Google Advertising on them to help raise funds to finance my efforts to help promote jazz.
I stated at the outset:
Google Advertising: Why permit Google Advertisements on my Jazz&Jazz YouTubes? I know these ads can be tedious and I would prefer not to advertise. But the thing is, if viewed for a long enough time they can earn much needed revenue to help finance Jazz&Jazz activities. If you prefer to skip the ads, but would like to help cover the costs of my endeavours for jazz, please use the donate button in the column to the right. It would be much appreciated as funds are urgently needed to cover costs if I am to continue, and not curtail, my endeavours for jazz.
But now it seems that this request is in vain unless I can appeal to as many of you as possible to hurriedly view each of my YouTubes to meet that farcical 1,000 views in the 7 days target. And then there are the agencies. Often I receive requests from them to feature upcoming events on Jazz&Jazz but if asked to help cover costs and support Jazz&Jazz by using our small Donate Button (column to the right) in return, there is very rarely a response.
All in all, thus far, financing Jazz&Jazz has proved something of a sticky wicket!
So often we hear laments about the plight of jazz – hard pressed musicians, tired bands, ageing fans, languishing memberships, club closures, fewer festivals, waning enthusiasm. And longings for a return to the golden olden days! Can we yet counter this or is all in vain?
What Next?
I have questioned Google’s new policy as are many others. But I doubt there will be an early response let alone reconsideration.

Doolally Tap
“I make a point of getting to see and feature as many of our younger bands and musicians on Jazz&Jazz as possible. But like them and indeed, jazz fans, I too have to watch the purse strings. Any income received is sparse to say the least. Occasionally I receive donations to help the cause but not nearly enough to cover costs.
“I am beginning a review of both the format and purpose of Jazz&Jazz. If I’m to achieve more for jazz, I feel it’s time for an upgrade, a major overhaul and perhaps a change of direction for the site, with goals based on a targeted income and features based on viability.”
Now, reluctantly I have to own up to an old injury and deteriorating health. Last year I was diagnosed with damaged shoulder blades and I cannot lift my arms to reach above shoulder level. My health was also impacted by many months of aggravation caused by troublesome neighbours, now resolved, but not without a drain on our finances. So I’m no longer in a position to meet all the requests I receive to cover jazz in clubs and at festivals.
This means a major overhaul of Jazz&Jazz is even more essential and meetings are already scheduled to bring this about. Sooner rather than later.
Sorry about these lengthy lamentations – given the means, I still plan to do all I possibly can in support of jazz.
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
“Treasured Jazz&Jazz YouTubes”: The Series to Date:
First in the series was “Davenport Blues” with Alan Gresty and Tony Pitt.
Part 2: Denise Gordon and Roy Williams “Sugar”!
Part 3: Barry Palser Presents “That Dada Strain”
Part 4: Tuba Skinny “New Orleans Bump”
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