I’m sad to announce that Jazz UK has just lost another of its great maestros.
Ken Sims passed away in the night 28/29th March.
Back in July last year Ken played at Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle Festival. But due to a mix up by the hotel for his overnight stay and subsequent transport problems, he stayed overnight at one of the Festival Organiser’s homes and it was my privilege to chauffeur him next morning back to Ramsgate for his journey back to London. Despite the problems, Ken was as patient, charming and kindly as any man I’ve known and shared with me wonderful snippets from his times in Jazz.
Here, Ken plays his beloved trumpet for one of the last times at the Ramsgate Shuffle Festival. The only opportunity I got to film the great man.
Jazz North West pays tribute to Ken.
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
(YouTube © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
Such are the tributes to Ken, I simply have to share this Jazz&Jazz Feature of him with Annie Hawkins at The Winning Post back in early 2015. Great photos by Laurence Cumming: http://bit.do/dj9h2