… but “Jazz Made Me Do It!”
What better words to express my feelings about introducing Google Ads on the pages of this Website!
Why introduce ads? Because Jazz&Jazz is growing exponentially but without the funds to finance that growth. Covering jazz and producing features on Jazz&Jazz is costly – leaving me heavily out of pocket.
I want to achieve more, not cut back … more bands, more clubs, more festivals. And if need be, enlist help with the project. I have even explored possibilities of launching online fundraisers with, for instance, Indiegogo or Kickstarter, but would rather confine fundraising to the Jazz Community.

Jazz&Jazz YouTube Banner
I’ve included Google ads on my Jazz&Jazz YouTubes for a while and slowly they are contributing towards covering costs. So finally I have reluctantly introduced Google ads on the pages of Jazz&Jazz.
BUT, There Is An Alternative…
You can help! There is a Donate Button under “HELP US KEEP JAZZ LIVE AND ALIVE!” in the right hand column of this and each page on Jazz&Jazz. Some folks, not very many to date, have used it, and I thank them, as I thank those clubs and bands who permit me free entry to cover their events.

See Button to the right.
What if donations were to take off and grow exponentially? I plan to log and account for each contribution (by name or anonymously) on a Jazz&Jazz Donations Feature.
Funds for Special Events?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the combined income from Google ads and Donations grew beyond the needs of producing Jazz&Jazz (along with my Social Media extensions on Facebook, my Facebook Jazzers Group, Twitter and Linkedin) and a fund could be set up to use any surplus for special jazz events!
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
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