Humphrey Lyttelton – A Touch of Indulgence!


Delving through our business archives, my wife Ginny came across a jazz promotion we produced for our client, The Weizmann Foundation back in 1989: “An Evening of Jazz with Humphrey Lyttelton & His Band”.

This was during my “lapsed era” when earning a crust came first – between my somewhat superficial youthful jazz craze and my new found dedication to jazz over the past decade. But it was a huge privilege to work on this project amongst many others for The Weizmann Foundation, especially in recognition of the Jewish Community’s love for jazz. Just Google: jazz and jewish music.

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Our mini-bio included in the promo:

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Plus Martin Mendoza’s note ot commendation for our work:


Forgive me for this touch of reflective indulgence.

Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz

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