Burt Butler’s Jazz Pilgrims: Burtie Butler( bnj), Peter Leonard (tpt), Dave Corsby (clt), Sean Maple (tmb), Chris Thompson (bass), Robin Beames (drms}
The sun shone, the bands played, the brollies paraded and Ramsgate’s Beauty Queen and Princess smiled for the cameras. Jazz fans revelled in the events and onlooking holiday makers and local residents were enthralled by the fun and frolics!
All featured below in my YouTube clips.
I overheard one happy parent say to his youngster, “This is old time jazz! From New Orleans.
It’s great fun!”
Without doubt The Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle Festival, now just in it’s fifth year, is putting New Orleans Traditional Jazz back on the map in the UK’s far south-east. So I want to pay tribute to the small but very active organising committee for their sterling work. They prefer to remain incognito so I’ll introduce them only by their first names, Ron, Chris, John and Paul.

“Richard’s Rascals” played on the Sunday, not quite such a bright day but “When You’re Smiling” made all the difference: Tony Richard (tpt), Dave Corsby (clt), Martin Rawbone (tmb), Nick Rawbone (dms), Neil Francis (bass), Dave Robinson (vibes).
The YouTubes
Keep visiting Jazz&Jazz for updates on Seaside Shuffle’s monthly gigs in
The Ramsgate Small Boat Owners Club.
Be sure to catch Annie Hawkin’s Jazzmen
Hymns & Spirituals in The Seaman’s Church
Some Like it Hot, Some Like it Blue! Featuring “Red Hot & Blue” at Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle
Bonus Photo sent to me by local photographer, Gordon Farmer:
Peter M Butler
Editor & Proprietor Jazz&Jazz
(Photos & YouTubes © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz)
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