Keeping Jazz Alive: Part 2
It was a joy to be able to capture YouTubes of Sammy’s International Band topping the bill at the Autumn Jazz Parade, Hemsby, Norfolk, 30th September, 2014. He was joined by Emile van Pelt (piano), Norman Emberson (drums), Eric Webster (banjo) and Trefor Williams (string bass) and Philippe de Smet (Trombone). Be sure to watch my YouTube below of Sammy playing “In The Upper Garden”, one of my all time favourites. Best viewed in HD.
Over the past few years I’ve enjoyed Sammy’s gigs at Chilham, Kent, during his annual UK Autumn tours, but to my regret I had to forego this year’s booking at the very last minute. Had I not been to Hemsby this would have been an utter disaster.
Sammy’s Kind of Music
Why? Because primarily Jazz&Jazz supports Sammy’s kind of music – New Orleans Revivalist Jazz – which came to be termed Traditional Jazz in the UK and Europe when bands over here put their own slant on it.
But my colleague Laurence Cummin was at Sammy’s Winning Post concert at Twickenham and took some great photos which I’m more than pleased to include here.
Jazz Is Not Dying!
There are concerns that jazz is dying. Nothing could be further from the truth because a new era of jazz is emerging – younger bands, such as Old Hat Jazz Band for one, and younger fans recapturing the very essence of Sammy’s New Orleans Revivalist Jazz.
So please also read: “Our audience is dying and there is little we can do!” plus “Outstanding Debut for Young Catalonian Star Andrea Motis”.
So remember to visit Jazz&Jazz frequently to keep up with developments. And PLEASE, take the time to comment on Jazz&Jazz posts by using “Speak Your Mind” at the foot of each post. This can be just as effective and more so in helping promote jazz as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin put together. Especially if you aren’t a social media fan!
“In The Upper Garden”
Peter Butler
Jazz&Jazz Editor & Proprietor
YouTube © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz
Winning Post Photographs Courtesy of Laurence Cummin © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz
Graham Hughes has emailed me with these very vital comments:
Hi Peter,
In reply to your article saying “jazz is dying” I’d like to mention that Jazz is definitely not dying. In London alone there are dozens of really fabulous musicians and bands that have appeared in the last few years.
The thing that is dying is the Traditional Jazz Club.
Many Traditional Jazz Clubs need to look at themselves to see why they are dying.
There are a few thriving clubs:
– these tend to be monthly
– they tend to welcome a broad spectrum of people (who love to be entertained)
– they book bands that are really class acts
– the bands each month tend to be a little bit different to provide variety
– the venue is appropriate for a performance
– they tend to start earlier (7:30 or 8.00) and finish earlier (10.00 or 10:30)
An audience needs to go home wanting more. They shouldn’t be tired, having heard too much music and wanting to go to bed.
The promoter needs to be really positive, smiling and welcoming to all of their customers, and to the musicians too.
The list goes on.
If a club gets it right they’ll find people want to come – not just jazz fans, but anybody that wants a great night out.
Best wishes,
Graham Hughes
Alan Haughton runs just such a club in Olney, rural Buckinghamshire. I was there last night for Ben Holder Master Fiddler Special. YouTubes on the way!
I agree with Graham, Jazz is not dying – trad is dying. Another ten years and trad as we know it will surely be gone. Even if there are still musicians to play it, the audiences won’t be there. You only need to look out from the stage to see the mass of grey heads to know that time time is running out. But, if nothing else, jazz is an endlessly inventive medium and will evolve to entertain new audiences. We should not forget that the originators of trad were themselves innovators who, had they somehow become immortal, would have continued to develop their music – unlike the slavish purists who have tried to fossilize trad, to the untold detriment of the form. They have done as much as anybody to drive new audiences away with their stagnant music.
We (Bill Phelan’s Muskrat Ramblers) play the Hassocks Hotel, Hassocks on the second Tuesday of every month, our residency for the past seven years. We play in the trad/mainstream style, but there’s is no purism. We play what we like, the band swings and audience keeps coming, so we must be getting it about right. So surely the watchwords are: evolve and prosper.
Might catch up with you sometime, Paul. Great to see Alan Cresswell playing with the Muskrats.