Not booked for Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle Festival yet?
Time’s short. Get onto it NOW!
Just a Week to go for Festival Fun in The Sun. Don’t miss out on this humungous jazz weekend with SEVEN GREAT BANDS!
Just £40.00 for the entire festival or £10 per session.
Visit for accommodation.
Harbour Side Jazz and Brolly Parade
Sunday, 13th July, 11.00am – 1.30pm
Opposite The Belgian Bar
Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle in Action
The Golden Eagle Jazz Band bring the house down with “Canal Street Blues”
Photos & YouTube © Peter M Butler, Jazz&Jazz
Portrait of Dave Rance’s Rockin’ Chair Band by Peter M Butler commissioned by Dave Rance
Dear Sir/Madam,
I traveled from Plymouth to Ramsgate – my home town, to see the Seaside Shuffle, and was not disappointed at all. I thought all the Bands were sensational, with the exception of Colin Kingwell, who played well, when they got around to doing it that is – Just a small criticism.
May I thank all the orgnisers, and I do hope someone can pass this message on to them, that they did an excellent job, and they are to be congratulated for all their efforts. We were made to feel welcome – thank you, even though I did not win a single raffle LOL.
I appreciate that the hall is only licensed to cater for 70 people, but even then I felt rather sorry for the organisers to see, (mainly in the afternoon sessions) that it was not full. I was wondering whether or not this was due to not much local advertising as most I spoke to did not know it was on. I am probably wrong, but food for thought as it’s not everyone who reads Jazz Guides. It’s well organised and I feel sorry for those who put so much effort into it that they are not rewarded by full houses which they need to cover their costs.
I felt also that when you got three events, morning, afternoon, and evenings, that it might be better to say have a lunch time session, and an evening session as this leaves more time between events. No doubt someone will put me right on that score, but I thought it might keep the costs down a bit more, knowing that each band costs around £750 each – not cheap.
These wonderful people who put all of this on for us need a good pat on the back for a job well done. No, it’s not like say the Bude Festival which is very large and popular, but the quaintness of the small boat owners club makes it more personal to the punter who get right in there and mix it with the bands. Great stuff.
Well, I intend going next year. My views about are meant to be helpful and not in any way interfering, just mere suggestions, that is all. Good luck to all involved and hopefully more people will go and support this wonderful event, because believe me – It’s worth it !!!!
Sid Anning – Plymouth
Thank you Sid, for such a wonderful review of the festival. I am involved to a degree but not nearly as much as Chris, Ron, John and Paul on the committee so you can be sure I will pass your comments on. Seaside Shuffle Festival was launched back in 2011, the inspiration of Betty Renz and, despite harsh economic times, has steadily gained a footing – sufficiently enough for monthly Club gigs now. I think there is also another reason for the smaller audiences during the afternoon sessions and that is that some fans like to spend time exploring Ramsgate – especially in there sun at the far south east tip of England. It’s quite unlike other festivals.
Dear Peter,
Thank you for your lovely reply, and have taken a’board your comments. Thanet and probably Kent as a whole, has been starved of good quality venues, and Betty Renz, Chris, Ron, John, and Paul are slowly but surely putting Ramsgate on the map as a Jazz Venue with not just the Seaside Shuffle Festival, but with the monthly Jazz Club. From little Acorns – Oak Trees grow. Well done!
We in the West Country are very lucky with the amount of venues that we have, and the quality of local Bands that come to them; but many which have been operating for many years, such as the 51 Club at Hayle being a classic example, but with the cooperation with the Union Hotel Penzance they are managing to still put on first class gigs with meager audiences because of their location – food for thought maybe.
Tonight I will be travelling to Looe Golf Club where for £20 and lovely surroundings, we have Martin Bennett’s – Green River Band, and included in the price is a lovely cooked supper – cannot be bad.
Talking about the Bennett Brothers, of those who have not seen this Band, you are in for a revelation I can assure you, with all the antics that Martin Bennett’s two sons get up to, particularly Russell.To the golfing fraternity of the Looe Golf Club it certainly was a ‘culture shock’ and once seen – never forgotten.
Lastly and not least, at 71 I must be one of the youngest that goes to Jazz Venues, and I do wish we could halt all the clubs and Bands going out of existence simply because of not enough support. I do believe however that we must try to do more to get youngsters involved in this wonderful pastime because they sure are missing out. The Seaside Shuffle was not only really good music but also very entertaining, not just from those within the Band, but with the characters that go to the events, a sight to behold indeed.
Keep Jazzing!!!
Sid Anning
Thank you for taking the time to post this excellent reply, Sid. By the way we are the same age!
We recently moved from Welwyn Garden City, once a hotbed of jazz, to Cotton End, Bedfordshire and I’m pleased to say there are several great jazz clubs and venues for us within easy striking distance. As for the youngsters, I agree, we need them aboard as fans. But in London, Liverpool and other cities they are there, young(er) musicians, bands and fans – but they promote themselves via social media, rarely in Jazz Guide. I’m in touch with a number of them and have plans afoot to promote them more widely. More on that as things progress.
By the way here is the link to my coverage of Rich, Russ and the band at The 100 Club:
And here’s to jazz in East Kent led by Ramsgate Seaside Shuffle!