L to R: Emile Van Pelt, John Defferary, Brian Turnock, Dan Vercruysse, Emile Martyn, Philippe de Smet (Photo: P.M. Butler)
Fraser McCombe has issued his annual announcement about this intrepid band’s annual affray in Macclesfield this June. Tickets are now officially on sale so book early because they are already in demand.
Message from Fraser
“As usual I would ask for payment in advance, this helps the evening go more smoothly and hopefully allows Melanie & I to listen to the music!! Do let me know who you want to sit with and we will do our best to arrange it.
“For those of you who came along to the Barry Martyn & The Young Bloods concerts, you will be pleased to hear that Ben Martyn (the double bass player) is now a father, that makes the Zhulu’s drummer, Emile Martyn an Uncle and Barry himself a Grandfather.”
(Booking details on Poster below)
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